Hey there, back again after so long! Hobbyist developer, artist and musician with a passion for RPGs and game systems (as in the structures behind games, not video game consoles). Here to make friends and games with those friends, hopefully that means you all.



Best games for PS2?

Eh, obvious spinoff is obvious. I loved Strange Journey, though I don't consider it SMT, but more a side game like "if...", and MI: DS is a good game, there are some spinoffs that I like, MI & DS being the ones I enjoy. But, when it comes to SMT I like mine with a side of classic.

And while Nocturne was in fact, the best, I wish they'd have kept 1st person as the main view mode. 1st person RPGs are perfect. =] I mean, what better way to get you to play a role, than by having you assume the character's viewpoint?

But yeah, I stick by my argument that generally SMT spinoffs are bad, and I especially hold hatred for Persona. 'Cause really, who needs another product about whiny Japanese high schoolers? (It was only okay when they did it with "if..." once is enough for a series.)

Skype Is Awesome. Anyone Here Use It?

Eh, I have it, but I'm rarely on it. Y'all folks can add me if you want, MelancholyVerde and well, leave a message after the beep? I don't have my webcam though, so, yeah, no one can peruse my beautiful mug.

Best games for PS2?

Don't listen to folks telling you to by SMT spin-offs, Nocturne is the best game in the series. =D (Has a hatred of SMT spin-offs deeper than the fiery pits of hell, or LA.) Also, Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII, my personal favourite in the series. And if you reeeeally love the tactical stuff, Nobunaga's Ambition: Rise to Power, it's not as deep with the characters as the RPGlike RTKs (VII, VIII, X) but, the game is fun, I mean, who doesn't want to conquer Japan is the Kakizaki(Matsumae)? Dark Cloud 2...why has no one mentioned this (And if someone did, I apologise.) it is full of graet win and delicious cake. Bully is pretty fun too, at least I enjoyed it. I also +1 the Onimusha series, all superb games. Sakura Wars V, because who doesn't like New York (will potentially castrate any who don't like my beautiful city. ;P)? And it has snazzy jazz tunes and a cast of women? Ano, my head's out of suggestions right now, maybe more later.

post your picture

Me, well, my back at least. I guess this pic is already sorta-kinda old, I got a haircut since then. Yeah, I was helping out the lovely Japanese ladies with their culture fair.

What are you thinking about right now?

Mega Man X has an amazing soundtrack, granted, there's a lot of nostalgia in that statement MMX being my first vidya gaem & all, but, really, it's OST makes me happy.

What are you thinking about right now?

When we find some sense, don't worry though, we're using our military to find it. ;P So, I'd say in, 10 years?

What are you thinking about right now?

Pfft, try living on the windward side of Hawaii, it goes from hot, to raining and hot, to raining, to cold, to raining and cold in a matter of minutes.