is it too late for ironhide facepalm
everything else is child's play


Some of my (self-proclaimed) professional photography.

This is what I do for work/in my time off. Of course, it's a shameless plug, but I'd love to hear what you all think.

Full gallery here.

Obligatory Introduction.

Hello all, I'm tardis. I've got a thing for 2d gaming and Doctor Who (who'd have guessed?) and after a month or so of lurking, I finally grabbed an account, and am planning a long stay here at RMN. I've been rpgmakering for quite a while- since I was pretty young, actually. Started on 95, moved to 2000, and now I use 2k3 exclusively. I'm stodgy and old and I refuse to learn XP or VX. Both are great programs, just not my thing. Speaking of old rpgmakering, I've actually been involved in the english-speaking community for quite a while, under various aliases. I never made huge waves, but I was there for stuff. I was a member of old now-defunct sites like RPG Wolfpack, Phylomortis, and War of the Magi.
Outside of rpgmakering, I'm a fairly professional photographer, a graphic designer, and a musician. In fact, there's very few things I don't do. Soccer. I can't play soccer worth shit. But outside of that, precious few things.
I'm a movie buff, and I will talk movies with you until your face melts off. I'm especially fond of old, obscure, mostly scifi flicks that no one's ever heard of. Case in point- I watched Robinson Crusoe on Mars the other night. I play a lot of games too, but mostly older ones. SNES was and is my favourite console, and GBA my favourite handheld. I'm a completionist, so it's not unusual for my games to have ridiculous numbers of hours logged- an example is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, with close to 400 hours on my save file. My favourite games of all time are those in the Mother/Earthbound series. I just love everything about those games. FF6 is another big one for me- especially since it's a steampunk setting. I adore steampunk.

I like to think I'm decent enough to get along with most of the time, and I'm big on reviewing games, so hopefully, I'll mesh with the community alright. I already submitted one review here- for Rei's Ascendence demo- and I'm currently working on reviews of The Realms Shattered, Generica, and Solstice. Like I said, I like rm2k3. A lot.

Obligatory introduction... Done!
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