Lead developer for Tumbling Apart. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, feedback, or input. Love hearing from the community!




[RMVX ACE] Please help with stopping player from moving script and messages without wait

Ok, I am trying to run a fairly complex portion in my game. It requires messages to run while still allowing player movement. I was using Galv's (this dude is AWESOME by the way) Messages Without Wait script, but it does NOT allow the action button to work while messages are running. I then found PK8's script, which does.

However, I also use Yanfly's stop player from moving script, and have to apply it fairly often during times when I have to run parallel process rather than autorun. The problem is that the two do not seem to be compatible. Using PK8's script makes the other script stop working.

Is there a small modification I can make to either of these scripts that will still allow me to forcefully stop player movement with a switch while running PK8's? I can't use autorun as a substitute because the pages are already full of control switches and it isn't really possible due to the complexity.

Here is an example where all my event pages are already taken up, and making a ton of additional event pages to switch between parallel and autorun isn't possible.


Any help at all would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Here is the pk8 script:


Move During Messages v1.1S
by PK8
Created: 5/22/2012
Modified: 5/25/2012
Coverted for VXAce by Roninator2 on 19 Jan 2019
¦ Author's Notes
This script was originally made as an event system around the
18th of October, 2005, purely out of accident. I was attempting to make a
very quick Pacman-esque demo (I forgot why), and came across player
characters moving around via move route while a message window was visible
during a test play completely by accident.

A few modifications to the event system and 7 years later, that system is
now a script.
¦ Introduction
Move During Messages allows players to... well, move during messages.
¦ Features
o Players can move during messages.
o Creators can set which maps enables/disables it.
o Creators can set how far the player can move while a message is being
o Set multiple maps at once using ranges. (New to v1.1S)
¦ Changelog
o v1E (10/18/2005): Event System initially released.
o v2E (11/14/2008): v2 released.
o v1S (05/22/2012): It's now a script.
o v1.1S (05/25/2012): Now users can set ranges, streamlining the process
of setting which maps (dis)allows moving during
¦ Methods Aliased


# ** Configuration

module PK8
class Dialogue_Move
# * General Settings
Switch = true # If TRUE, script is on. If FALSE, script is off.

# * Map Settings
# Integers, ranges, and nil values are allowed to be used in the array.
Map_IDs =
Map_IDs_Flag = false # If TRUE, occurs in all maps but those specified.
# If FALSE, occurs in specified maps.

# * Radius Settings
Radius_Flag = false # If TRUE, players get a limit on how far they can move
# while messages are visible. If FALSE, doesn't apply.
Radius_X = 3 # Set how far players can move horizontally. (In tiles)
Radius_Y = 3 # Set how far players can move vertically. (In tiles)

# * Do Not Modify
if Map_IDs.include?(nil)
load_data("Data/Mapinfos.rxdata").keys.each { |item| Map_IDs.push(item) }
Map_IDs.each { |item|
if item.is_a?(Range)
for i in item; Map_IDs.push(i); end
elsif item.is_a?(Array)
item.each { | i |
if i.is_a?(Integer); Map_IDs.push
elsif i.is_a?(Range); for i2 in i; Map_IDs.push; end

# ** Game_Player
# This class handles the player. Its functions include event starting
# determinants and map scrolling. Refer to "$game_player" for the one
# instance of this class.

class Game_Player < Game_Character
# * Alias Listings
alias_method(:pk8_dialoguemove_update, :update)
# * Frame Update
def update
if PK8::Dialogue_Move::Switch == true
if ((PK8::Dialogue_Move::Map_IDs.include?($game_map.map_id) and
PK8::Dialogue_Move::Map_IDs_Flag == false) or
(!PK8::Dialogue_Move::Map_IDs.include?($game_map.map_id) and
PK8::Dialogue_Move::Map_IDs_Flag == true))
@mdm_position = if @mdm_position == nil
if $game_message.busy? and !moving?
case Input.dir4
when 2
if PK8::Dialogue_Move::Radius_Flag == true
move_straight(2) if @y < @mdm_position + PK8::Dialogue_Move::Radius_Y
when 4
if PK8::Dialogue_Move::Radius_Flag == true
move_straight(4) if @x > @mdm_position - PK8::Dialogue_Move::Radius_X
when 6
if PK8::Dialogue_Move::Radius_Flag == true
move_straight(6) if @x < @mdm_position + PK8::Dialogue_Move::Radius_X
when 8
if PK8::Dialogue_Move::Radius_Flag == true
move_straight(8) if @y > @mdm_position - PK8::Dialogue_Move::Radius_Y
elsif !$game_message.busy?
@mdm_position = nil if @mdm_position != nil

And Yanfly's:
# ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - Stop All Movement v1.00
# -- Last Updated: 2011.12.10
# -- Level: Normal
# -- Requires: n/a

$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported = true

# ▼ Updates
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# 2011.12.10 - Started Script and Finished..
# ▼ Introduction
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# This script provides two switches. One switch will stop all NPC events from
# being able to move when it's on. The other switch will prevent the player
# from being able to move when it's on (outside of an event).
# ▼ Instructions
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# To install this script, open up your script editor and copy/paste this script
# to an open slot below ▼ Materials/素材 but above ▼ Main. Remember to save.
# Go to the module and bind the STOP_NPC_MOVEMENT_SWITCH and the
# STOP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT_SWITCH constants to a switch you want to stop NPC's and
# the player with.
# ▼ Compatibility
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# This script is made strictly for RPG Maker VX Ace. It is highly unlikely that
# it will run with RPG Maker VX without adjusting.

module YEA
module UTILITY

# - Stop Movement Switches -
# These switches control whether or not the respective events can move.
# If the switches are off, then there is no locking them. If the switches
# are on, then the events are locked from moving.

end # YEA

# ▼ Editting anything past this point may potentially result in causing
# computer damage, incontinence, explosion of user's head, coma, death, and/or
# halitosis so edit at your own risk.

# ■ Switch

module Switch

# self.Switch
def self.stop_npc_movement
return $game_switches

# self.Switch
def self.stop_player_movement
return $game_switches

end # Switch

# ■ Game_Player

class Game_Player < Game_Character

# alias method: move_by_input
alias game_player_move_by_input_sam move_by_input
def move_by_input
return if Switch.stop_player_movement

end # Game_Player

# ■ Game_Event

class Game_Event < Game_Character

# alias method: update_self_movement
alias game_event_update_self_movement_sam update_self_movement
def update_self_movement
return if Switch.stop_npc_movement

end # Game_Event

# ▼ End of File

[RMVX ACE] A video I made showing how complex animations can be made. Hopefully it will help some people!

Good idea. Posted it in tutorials.

[RMVX ACE] A video I made showing how complex animations can be made. Hopefully it will help some people!

Hey guys, been busy with my game as of late, and decided to record myself while working and then added some instructions on making complex animations to give back to the community. I've picked up so many scripts, hints, help, etc from here that I'd never have a chance at being where I am now if it wasn't for you all.

Hopefully this can help some people who used to be in my shoes:)

So what's your favorite book?

Slaughterhouse-Fiveby Kurt Vonnegut
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

Slaughterhouse Five, and generally anything by Vonnegut, is amazing. Other good novels include House of Leaves and Choke.

Ishmael is also a book that will never leave me.

Just a new member driving by :)

Hello bud, I'm brand new as well. This community is great though, so have fun! If I've learned anything is the past couple of days here, it is to mingle with others and check each other's work out. It's about working together.

This community is amazing

now I await the chilling sequel to this post, due in 3 months "This Community is Terrible"

Na it won't be that soon;). Six months, maybe?

This community is amazing

Nice getting acquainted with you all. I'll be seeing you around the forums. Remember that I'm open to providing feedback so pm me if needed.

Why do you make RM games?

Like many others, the simplicity of it appealed to me. Got involved with making mods for games, and over time I started thinking about developing an actual game. Then I Played To The Moon and was blown away. Wow, one of the best games I ever played, and the engine looked like something relatively simple. I checked it out.

RPGmaker is an amazing introductory tool for would be devs. Especially self-taught ones.

This community is amazing

Hi all, brand new to the rpgmaker.net and I just want to say that you guys are awesome. I just put my game up on the website, and I had a few questions, and they were answered immediately.

Everyone I've come into contact with has been so friendly and helpful. I normally post on /rpgmaker, but think I'll be stopping by here a lot more often:). I can't tell you how many times I've scrounged rpgmaker forums just like this and found exactly what I needed, and it's all been made possible by a supportive and outstanding community. I want to be around to help pay forward what has been graciously given to me. Looking forward to working with you all!

Effective ways to promote an RPG Maker game?

Echoing what has already been said in this thread, it's not the engine that you're promoting, but the game that you make in it. it's perfectly okay to promote it as an "RPG Maker game" in a community like ours because we all understand the engine, but once you make the jump to Steam it's the product that you need to emphasize.

Once I made the jump to Greenlight, I only mentioned RPG Maker if people specifically asked. It's pretty obvious that it's the engine I'm using in Soma Spirits. Even with all custom assets, anyone who's played two or three RM games can tell I'm using the default battle system and other aspects. As a result, I'm not shy about admitting the game was made in RM, because it's better to be honest than let the "lol rpg maker" stigma bring me down.

That stigma is something that is not going away, as much as we want it to. But it's important to be aware that those folks are a vocal minority. And as long as you never concede to it, you can do anything you put your mind to.

Nice advice! It does seem like a vocal minority who complain- I've even noticed a friend who just put his game on greenlight, and a guy jumped all over him in the comments about how awful it was being RPG Maker.... and he isn't even using that engine! :p
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