
You guys need to keep better tabs on your tutorials

The entire second part of the tutorial in this link is useless http://rpgmaker.net/tutorials/860/?post=495124#post495124

You're told that in order to continue on with the tutorial you need to import the pictures into RPG MAKER that the tutorial creator left for people to use. So can someone explain how the hell the tutorial creator tells you you need to import pictures, and then totally leaves out the entire instructions on HOW TO IMPORT THE PICTURES.

I'm sorry but this type of mistake is absolutely inexcusable.

Someoen care to answer these questions because this is seriously annoying

There a number of things that have no explanations/instructions on even after attempting to do a Google search and it's seriously starting to piss me off now.
So here are my questions:

I want to know exactly what the hell parallax mapping IS, what the point to it is, and why anyone would even use it in the first place.

I have literally typed this exact phrase "WHAT EXACTLY IS PARALLAX MAPPING" into GOOGLE and I cannot find any results anywhere that actually answer that question. Instead all I ever find is what people claim are tutorials that really don't explain anything saying it's a tutorial for parallax mapping and saying this is great...but never anyone explaining what it is.

So again I want to know exactly what the hell parallax mapping IS, what the point to it is, and why anyone would even use it in the first place.

Next is USING scripts,
I constantly run into the same exact situation with this next question as I do with Parallax mapping which is not one person seems to be able to explain the answer I want to know, and instead talk about what they did to change the script or tweak it. Not one person on any forum anywhere has been able to answer me

I have found tons of scripts that people claim are for use in RPG maker, RPG Maker VX, and RPG maker VXACE, but yet every single script find has no instructions with it on what exactly you're supposed to do with it so that it can be used.

I'd like to know when people say USE the script that how them seeing a script somewhere allows them to open ROG maker and USE the script when the script is just tehre sitting on teh site.

So let me clarify what I'm talking about.

When i get someone's script what am I supposed to be doing with it...Do I open up my email and past it into there, do i save it to my desktop and do something with it, do i open a txt file and paste the script into there and then star4t pressing F-7 or something like that, do I write it down on a piece of notebook paper and then tape that piece of paper to my TV? Do I just magically use my telepathic power and just by thinking about the script automatically have RPG maker open and it does the script.

I'm sorry but this is completely ridiculous how people say USE the script and then never explains exactly how they're accomplishing that. It is irrelevant if I have access to 10000000 scripts, they do no good without the instructions about exactly what you have to do with it and how to get it to operate once you get it working

Unless someone explains exactly step by step how to actually USE the script to get it to have RPG maker to do whatever it is, then people need to stop posting scripts when there are no instructions on what exactly you're supposed to be doing with it. I'm sorry but I'm really fed up with people not making anything simple and taking responsibility for their own uploads telling other people they need to do other people's work.
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