I am nobody. With the preceding sentence, I managed to escape from the cyclops.
I walk on two legs in the morning, four in the afternoon, and three at night.
Until the Midgard serpent comes, I'll be here to be your muse.
The Shift Saga: Esoteric
"Underneath all reason lies delirium, and drift."



[RMVX ACE] (Mapping) Need to beautify a large number of maps

I would like to have a large number of maps beautified. I do not have the requisite skill do to so. By large number, I mean many dozens. 100+. For the game Esoteric.

Show me what you can do and what would be acceptable to you as a payment for your talent and expertise.

I have a single skill I can offer in exchange: Writing - and I am skilled and published in that. I am willing to trade writing for mapping. Any offers?

However, I would be willing to pay in more conventional ways, as far as my budget allows.

I'm really gonna push to get this done to satisfaction. I would love to see it blossom.

Thank you for reading this request.

I would like to return

Hello everyone.

I've been gone for a long time. Thought it would be good to reintroduce.

I want to revive my last project and I need seriously quite a bit of help to do that.

I don't know how to get help. I don't know what I can offer to others to receive help in exchange (Besides money, and I can't afford that.) Ah, well, I guess I can do some writing.

But I also plan on releasing some ideas I had that are more within the scope of what I can do.

But I think I will be here a bit trying to see what fragments I can put together and what friends I might find.

Anyways, hello, I hope that we might make worthwhile art together.

The Shift Saga: Esoteric Review

I would love to revive this project... get the mapping made better (only the government area should be bland), get the journal hashed out, balance the battles, and clarify the actual functions of how to play... it's too big for me, and that is why it failed.

The Shift Saga: Esoteric

On the plus side, I like it that a random teapot gave my party a bunch of EXP.

Tea always gives exp in real life, so why not in a game?

The party is limited to 4, however, you can merge party members - freeing up space for more party members.

I wish I had the time to go back and complete this, but it is currently possible to get all endings. Unfortunately, as a result, very little is sign-posted.

Waking up is ending the game, shouldn't cycle, but must be a glitch for that particular ending. I don't know. Honestly, I wish I could still work on this.

The Shift Saga: Esoteric

Please check out the cheat code page. These will help show some of what's hidden.
Cheats can be accessed from the key items menu

The Shift Saga: Esoteric Review

This game has the potential to be fine nonsense...

Thank you for the review. You've made me very happy by seeing potential in the writing. If I could live a second life, maybe I could bring this out of alpha into something truly worthwhile, but I know I'll never be able to. This game is my baby, but he's a miscarriage. Loved all the same.

Pastlife: Legend of Eloria

There are two NPC's in town that tell u how to get past a desert maze, but the desert and the town are in opposite ends of the world, so you will probably have to go back and forth alot.

The solution for that maze is the same as in the original Legend of Zelda, if I recall correctly, so there's that.

Cheetahmen 52: Part Aries

The final boss is naruto.

Cheat Codes

I should add...
20 Piece of Mind (20 x Cheat Code 010) and teleport code 019 will take you to the true ending.

Request Game Review?

https://rpgmaker.net/forums/topics/17404/This thread is usually a good place to start.

Thank you. This helped me a lot. And maybe you can look at the game too?