

DreaMaker - a new RM editor

Wow this looks really cool!

Barack Obama Day

good point

Worst sickness thing

I used to have asmaia (I guess I technically still do) but it faded away at age 5 or so. I get headache from standing up sometimes (bloodrush) but other than that I guess you could say I'm pretty healthy (I haven't had the flu this year yay! I don't ever get flu shots for some reason)

Barack Obama Day

Why is everyone talking the goverment spending money suddenly? I went from the first page of on topic talk to this page of completely off topic talk. All well.

McCain would have been 20 times worse the economy then Obama. We spend almost or more than a million dollars a day in Iraq (could have been week but still wow) Getting out of Iraq will actually be one of the best financial help we can get.

So what about horror/scary games?

Exactly things popping out randomly and coming after you extremely fast would definitely scare the hell out of me.

What Genre are your games?

I have to say I probably don't take inspiration from anything as I don't play many RPGs the only one I have played is Pokemon....yeah pokemon....anyways I really don't know what genre to classify it as except for the fact that it is a friggen RPG :o

I'll play yours, you play mine ;)

Blob was totally fun good job!

How about this; are there any cliches that you LIKE?

I like redundant enemies such as dragons

How can I make fog appear?

darn I thought it would be a more recent rpg maker cause I know in those ones.

So what about horror/scary games?

I think it would be pretty hard to make a scary 2D game although you could do surprising quick stuff that makes you jump. That crap always gets to me lol.