

Making your Custom Menu System

I realize this tutorial is fairly old, but there's a fatal flaw here. You use a Move Event command with a repeated Wait to halt the player's movement, but this doesn't affect other potential moving events on your map. So if you have, say, moving enemies on your map that start a battle when they touch you, and you're in the menu, shit goes wrong.

I feel like making the menu Auto Start is the best way to resolve this, but some people have indicated lag. I'll do some experimenting.

I have a custom menu of sorts and I use auto start, and there is no lag. Just draw all the images separately, then put the key input proc in an auto start that checks for whatever's pressed, then put a label to jump back to the key input proc after each conditional branch.

Making your Custom Menu System

Sorry to post in such an old thread, but I have a custom menu in place that I made a long time ago. I recently added spawnable monsters that initiate battle with you on contact. I tried making the menu an auto start event to stop them from moving, but when I do the game lags horribly. I made sure to use waits and move pic instead of show pic where necessary, but it still lags if it is auto start. Anyone know what the issue might be?
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