Not every lesson is dedicated to a child learning to master oral and written language to express his or her thoughts, and I think this should be the goal of the course. Why?

First, it is speech work that teaches people to think and express their ideas orally or in writing;

second, when we talk about something in our own words, we process the information and "appropriate" it, remember it - it's a great way to learn something new;

third, by creating our own and analyzing the written and oral statements of others, we can understand that there are many points of view on the same phenomenon, get to know each other more, "hear" how different we all are - and this is already an act of personality formation, self-discovery and communication, which is necessary for students;

Fourth, it is in productive speech activities (making up sentences, small texts, composing extended statements) that the ability to write correctly is honed.
In the exam tradition to solve all these problems the genre of essay has consolidated. The essay is a very capacious form that allows you to test both your knowledge of the subject and your ability to think within the material you have studied. Essays or essays are included in the Unified State Exam in Russian language, literature, social studies, history, and English. It is interesting that the requirements for how an essay or essay should be written are different in all subjects. It is difficult to say whether this is good or bad: it is as if the variety of requirements is supposed to train some mobility and the ability to formulate your thoughts in different ways.
Templicity and formality of testing, alas, leads to the need to simply memorize what is necessary for each subject. In other words, creativity and ways of self-expression is minimal, the maximum is the reproduction of ready-made formulas. The final essay is also much easier to write by memorizing how and what to write correctly, rather than by formulating it in your own words and giving examples.
And so it turns out that school practice misses the opportunity to use the most interesting and useful properties of the essay as a form of academic work. Putting their thoughts into writing helps students learn not just to process information, but also trains them to move to another level of generalization: to try and invent new forms of thought, to identify patterns and cause-and-effect connections.

In addition, writing about a variety of impressions, events, and judgments is a great way to dispel one's own misconceptions, move away from excessive emotionality, and understand what one really feels. When we write, all of our impressions, like our thoughts, are processed, corrected, and refined.

So what can we write at school? The repertoire of genres of essays is not very large: an essay on a picture, a description of actions or an interior, everyone's "favorite" essay about the summer, even more "attractive" - about a book ...

In fact, many different types of work we can classify as "essays": it is not only an ordinary "linear" text, but also a table, a recipe, an instruction, an advertising leaflet - all a kind of essays - the creation of a text that has an addressee, a task. Each of these forms of writing helps us understand how speech works and how other people work with it.
The closer the essay form is to practice and to what one encounters in real life, the easier it is for us to get our feet on the world of texts.
Therefore, the ordinary school essay can and should be developed; it has the greatest potential among all forms of speech work. The same kind of revision can be subjected to: the task of transmitting someone else's text may contain elements of appropriation and recycling: transform a complex text for a broad audience, retell it on behalf of another narrator, create a table based on the text, or vice versa.

To polish one's speech skills by trying to retell the profound thoughts created by the great masters of the word is rather strange. A writer, after all, is born, not taught in school. And learning to write practical, emotional, analytical, and business texts that help you express your idea or opinion is more interesting, it motivates you to work.
The Essay Championship is our attempt to contribute to the development of the essay genre. On the one hand, we carefully study where and what kind of "essays" adults write. On the other hand, we try to formulate the skills that are needed to write them. There is also a third aspect of research - which topics and situational genres turn out to be the most productive, motivating for a statement.
A long time ago I was involved in the development of speech of young children and noted the following factor: a young child suddenly begins to talk if something has made a lasting impression on him. This makes him or her use hitherto passive speech as active (that is, addressed to someone), because he or she is overwhelmed with feelings and needs to share them with someone.

This is when the child utters his first word. His speech is born this way: he understands that he has something to say. I think we're growing up, we're becoming adults

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