
From cathedrals built into salt caves to the world's largest pistachio - we live on a planet with all sorts of wonderful and silly things. Let's celebrate all the inspiring things around us by making a game based on The Wonders of Street View!

Pick something from that website and use it as an idea for a game. It's simple and flexible! You also don't have to stick with the first thing you get, you're allowed to randomize as many times as you wish, but you can go for it if you want an extra challenge. The inspiration can be loose - the aim is to spark ideas more than anything.

Struggling to find one you like? I've curated a few particularly inspiring images by hand!

- Take a screenshot of whatever you decide to base your game on and submit that screenshot on the event page alongside your entry.
- Try your best to fit the event theme!
- Your game must be started and made entirely within the event timeframe. (Check DETAILS ->)
- No AI generated art or writing is allowed, as per the site rules.
- You may GATHER resources before that date and make notes about the game, but don't actually start creating any kind of in-engine content before the official start.
- Games must have an approved game page.
- Any engine, any resources.
- Teams of up to 10 people are allowed.

- Wonderful Contributor! Worth 70MS. Submit a complete game.

- Slow Bloomer. Worth 40MS. Submit a demo.


  • 01/10/2024 12:00 PM
  • 02/01/2024 12:00 PM
  • 10



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Teams Members Entry
For Me?
Bludgeon of Inspiration
Trying something different this time
Fomart: For all your Fo needs
Fo' Shizzle My Nizzle


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I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
It says "to base your game" on the Street View images, so can I grab a bunch of screenshots and use those directly as background images?
Guardian of the Description Thread
I think I might be able to work with this.
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
It says "to base your game" on the Street View images, so can I grab a bunch of screenshots and use those directly as background images?

You could, but you don't have to. Loose inspiration is fine :)
It says "to base your game" on the Street View images, so can I grab a bunch of screenshots and use those directly as background images?
You could, but you don't have to. Loose inspiration is fine :)

Great! I've got an idea for it, I think it'll look neat :>

Some of the images just look too good not to be used as is.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I'm not using this prompt, but, "1v1" amuses me.

via Discord
Any relation, @lordbluerouge?

"We have lobster at home"
Lobster at home:
I'm going to use this one.
I have a an idea for that prompt.
Ahh, this sounds too realistic for me.
Guardian of the Description Thread
So, how is everybody coming along? For my own part, I've a few scenes in my game and a number of maps at this point. I figure there might be two or three areas to map in the game before I get to mapping the area that will be based on the image I linked to in this post and also in my locker.
I'm doing great! I have finished the foundation of my game and the game page is already up. When I playtest it, my game turns out to be more chaotic than I anticipated (In a good way, IMO).

Now I need to start designing the boss fights. At least I want to finish one boss each day.
Oh, I also need a merchant for my game.
I've managed to make progress. Still need to figure out a couple more mechanics before I can start putting in the dialogue and story into the game but the brain-hurting part of the process is halfway done!

Edit: Btw these are the images I yoinked from street view. I grabbed about a dozen, one of which I just realized is the same one as Marrend's. I lumped them all into one image so it's easier to access/look at, hopefully that's alright!
I have finished one large map but no details added yet.
Be careful ! I'm French
I'm fine too.
8 puzzles are on the schedule ; 5 are done, 3 are somewhat defined.

To do:
  • Write the gamepage
  • Program the last 3 puzzles and the ending
  • Edit all assets to give the game its own identity (especially the main 3 characters)
  • Add some music
  • Test it all
I've finished my game! It's the first version though and may be buggy, so I'll hold off from submitting it to the event page while I still have time to polish it.
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
Congrats!! And I'm seeing a submission from you too Fflo, so congrats to you too! And good luck to those who are still chugging at it with the game dev :)
Guardian of the Description Thread
Well, I could get to a place where the game could end, and could call it complete. Perhaps even with rainbow text. If it ends at that point, there would be only one scene left unimplemented. Maybe two? However, if there is anything slowing me down, it's the process of making maps. I think there might be six or so maps left though, so, there would be that!
I still have a bunch to do before finishing the game. So here's the list:
  • The second part of the last boss' second phase
  • The third phase of the last boss
  • Epilogue
  • Credit Scene
  • Achievement system
  • Finishing a bunch of half finish feature held back by the achievement system
  • Find the sweet spot between easy and challenging

I am kinda running behind the schedule here since I was feeling under the weather yesterday. But I think I can still make it.

Edit: I also adding pixel movement plugin which needs a minor adjustment on every cutscene. Please Send Help
I submitted my entry! I didn't improve it much in the end, only fixing some bugs and one of my badly designed functions. Also changed a bit of dialogue so the (good)ending reflects the event theme more.
Guardian of the Description Thread
On the very good chance I cannot get back to my entry before the event ends, I've submitted the demo that I released in reference to this blog.
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