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..:: MAP DESIGN FUN #10 ::..
..:: BEFUDDLE QUEST 3 ::..
..:: Love is a Four-Legged Word ::..

So I'm making a MDF for the summer. This thing will be open starting now until the end of August. Multiple submissions are allowed (and encouraged!).

Welcome to Map Design Fun #10 - Befuddle Quest 3: Love is a Four-Legged Word, the third (and final?) installment of the collaborative puzzle/maze game community project. Using a specific product, RPG Maker 2003, we will each make a single map puzzle using RTP OR your own supplied graphics (that mesh with RTP) and I will link them together in a quest. Why RM2k3? Because it's accessible to the majority of people and because it's pretty easy to link maps together using it. Plus, I'm running the show and that's what I use (because I'm old). Also, that's what we used last time and it worked out okay. Plus, I need to lure GRS back to the darkside.


Starts: July 8th, 2009
Submission Deadline: August 23rd, 2009 @ Midnight
Release Date: September 4th, 2009

RULES ::..
  • You must use RM2k3
  • You can submit as many puzzles as you like
  • Each submission must use only 1 map
  • No Teleport events - use Recall to Memorized Position
  • No battles or common events or items or pretty much most of the Database
  • No instant Game Overs (restart the puzzle instead)
  • No Teleport events - use Recall to Memorized Position
  • If you aren't using the standard RTP, INCLUDE YOUR RESOURCES
  • No Teleport events - use Recall to Memorized Position
  • No Teleport events - use Recall to Memorized Position
  • No Teleport events - use Recall to Memorized Position
  • The hero is Zack, the first default hero in RM2k3
  • No Teleport events - use Recall to Memorized Position

STORY ::..
Ah, Zack and Broomhilda are united at last. The happy Baron and Frau von Niddly have given the young happy couple their blessing, and everyone was happy. Happiness ensued.

...until the Duke of Earl showed up.

Duke Drake Marquis of Earl (a.k.a. "Drake the Rake") has arrived to claim the beautiful Broomhilda as his bride, as per the marriage arrangements made between the Baron and Drake's father Vlad (a.k.a. "Vlad the Cad") years and years ago. With the Niddlys powerless to stop the powerful Duke, Drake absconds with Broomhilda down a secret corridor in the Befuddling tower! Oh no!

Our beloved hero now must pursue the Dastardly Duke Drake the Rake through the tower once more and rescue his sweet sweetheart while completing confounding conundrums. Zack's puzzle solving skills will be put to the test once again!

Before the deadline on August 23rd, 2009 @ Midnight, zip or rar up your project, upload it somewhere and send me a link to the file (either in a PM or here in this thread). Make as many puzzles as you like.

Please include with your submission:
  • The RM2k3 project
  • The coordinates of the ENTRANCE and EXIT points on the map
  • Puzzle name
  • A brief description of the puzzle
  • A detailed walkthrough (in hide tags or in a PM)
  • Puzzle difficulty
  • Any special notes or issues you think I need to know to link the map into the game

I'm not opposed to using extra music, sounds, pictures, chipsets or charsets, as long as it fits with RTP (and they're included with the submission). If you have special tileset rules, let me know.

NOTES ::..
As before, this game will be about the puzzles, but feel free to take the story in bold new directions!

Also, feel free to use any variables or switches you like - I will reset them to 0/OFF between each puzzle.

Remember the deadline for your submission is August 23rd, 2009 @ Midnight!


We Need More Spike Puzzles by Sam
The Great Cube by narcodis
Bottom of the Barrel by Gibmaker
Befuddle Quest: The Quiz Game Show by SavageInventions
Step on through to the other side by GameOverGamesProductions
Crystal Shards by Liberty
Puzzle of the Four Monsters by Fractal Advocate
Rock n' Roll by kentona
The Befuddling Quiz by GameOverGamesProductions
Strange Room by Sam
Shop 'til you Drop! by Liberty
Tigers & Tokens by Mikemc
Dimensional Rift by Kazesui


Befuddle Quest: http://www.rpgmaker.net/games/1101/
Befuddle Quest 2: Charmed & Dangerous: http://www.rpgmaker.net/games/1166/
Befuddle Quest 3: Love is a Four-Legged Word: http://rpgmaker.net/games/1300/
Befuddle Quest 4 Dead: http://rpgmaker.net/games/1843/
Befuddle Quest 5: Zack to the Future: http://rpgmaker.net/games/2516/
Befuddle Quest 6: The Next Generation: https://rpgmaker.net/games/4531/

Latest Blog

BQ3 is released! Thanks everyone!


There were a few kinks to be ironed out that I found in the last playthrough (for example NOT being able to progress from floor 7 to 8.)

Here are the puzzles:

We Need More Spike Puzzles by Sam
The Great Cube by narcodis
Bottom of the Barrel by Gibmaker
Befuddle Quest: The Quiz Game Show by SavageInventions
Step on through to the other side by GameOverGamesProductions
Crystal Shards by Liberty
Puzzle of the Four Monsters by Fractal Advocate
Rock n' Roll by kentona
The Befuddling Quiz by GameOverGamesProductions
Strange Room by Sam
Shop 'til you Drop! by Liberty
Tigers & Tokens by Mikemc
Dimensional Rift by Kazesui

Here are my votes on the game's puzzles:
Best Puzzle:
1. Dimensional Rift by Kazesui
2. Puzzle of the Four Monsters by Fractal Advocate
3. Bottom of the Barrel by Gibmaker
4. Tokens & Tigers by Mikemc

Funnest Map:
Bottom of the Barrel by Gibmaker

Overachiever Award:
Dimensional Rift by Kazesui

Biggest Rip-Off:
Rock n' Roll by kentona (I Expect You To Die)
- or -
Bottom of the Barrel by Gibmaker (Nibbles/Snake)

Shake Fist In Frustration Award:
Shop 'til you Drop! by Liberty (it takes so long!)



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I've added those that have submitted maps to the developer list. As a developer, you can edit this gamepage, so...try to be civil. DON'T add downloads, but feel free to add screenshots, walkthroughs, etc...
So I took the liberty of adding a walkthrough page for the people who'll get stuck on a certain puzzle and don't have the equipment to cheat their way through it.
woo hoo! I've never used RPGMaker before but I'd like to try constructing a first-time project. an independent game is too much work, but a single puzzle sounds do-able. :) yay!
Quick question: am I allowed to use teleport events?
Let me check....




My puzzles I've submitted are really easy, they'll probably take you all of ten seconds to do.
Well, add them to the walkthrough page anyway Sam. (otherwise I'm going to rename it to walkthroughs for my puzzles)
any puzzles that contain a puzzle element of or graphics depicting arrows will be cut from the final release of BQ3
No!!! The Generic Dungeon Puzzle has been made! Curses!
It's not as generic as you'd think... ^.^
Out in stores tomorrow! Reserve your copy today!
They're It's heeeere!
Why is my name listed in the Authors but not in the Puzzles?
The following are unplayable for me due to tremendous lag:
"Shop till you Drop" and "Dimensional Rift"
My favorite was "Rock n Roll" because it reminds me of the marble game on 360 :).
I have NO IDEA why I missed your name in the gamepage! Sorry Mike!
Kazesui gave a review of each of the puzzles in the blog.
Here's a bit of trivia for you all. In "Tokens and Tigers" can anyone name the game that the design for the tokens came from? If you can't figure it out you may rott in hell!

You posted this on your gameprofile, so.....my guess is CD Man.
That is the game yes, but those spinning tokens are from another game.
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