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Megaman RPG Release!

  • sbester
  • 03/08/2011 11:56 PM
I know I said that I'd stop releasing these if RMN closed down, but in celebration of its failure to die, I'm releasing this game.

It's barely any better than the Dragon Creed games in terms of level design, and the encounter rate is utterly ridiculous, but it is straight forward enough and the story is coherent enough too (I think, I can't really remember).

I won't lie, Like Dragon Creed 2, I didn't edit this game at all or go back and play it. Maybe someday. This is it in its original raw form, so let's just hope there are no errors for those who wish to try it out. Anyways, I'll upload a main download for RMN right now. If you don't want to wait, use this:


Up next will be Moon Core, an action RPG with some very unfortunate battle problems. It does have some cool ideas though, which will be carried over for Fragile Hearts.


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Also, sorry to the subscribers for neglecting this for so long. There were some major graphical issues I had to solve before it would be playable.

I'll work harder at getting the next one out faster. I promise it may actually be worth someone's time, unlike the Dragon Creeds and this one.
Pages: 1