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What we have here is a game made within the "magical girl" sub-genre of anime. What does that mean? To me, it's about female protagonists that have some manner of transformation process to battle the forces of evil. It's about the drama of falling in love for the first time. It's about the true meaning of friendship. Sometimes, it's about being off-the-wall silly.

Okay, so this game might not have all of this, and my definition may be totally off-base, but I will do what I can to provide as much of this as I can.

Basic story: Momotami Ruri is a 16-year-old girl. She has recently transferred to Iwayama High, and is ready and willing to make as many friends as inhumanly possible. She comes across a strange pendant, and inevitably gets herself involved in a mystic battle. Who are her adversaries? What do they want? Can Ruri balance her normal life and her super-heroine life?

Personal background: The term "uchioniko" was made by lumping a few Japanese words together. However, because I didn't do research on this term, it might not actually have any meaning, or is otherwise completely gibberish. For full disclosure, I was looking for something that would translate to mean "demon within the girl". However, no matter what Google translator, or any translator, would tell me, I can't bring myself change the name of this game. What can I say? The name has attached itself to me, and I really like how it sounds.

Other links of interest:
This game's game-thread on RPG Maker Web.

Latest Blog

An early present

If one recalls the last blog I wrote for this game, I was musing about doing a Christmas release. By all accounts, I certainly thought I would have this release ready after the holiday, rather than before. Then again, I found myself working on this game with the goal of getting this out by Christmas in mind. It wasn't the smoothest ride (December is always a weird month), but, I guess I can say that it more-or-less happened!

This particular release should not not require Ace's run-time package (RTP) on one's computer at all. This is mostly because I just want to call this game "done", but, I'll hold off on the "Complete" flag for a while just in case. Though, I'm not actively working on it either, so, "Hiatus" would be the logical flag.

Note that if one should want to play the "Nugget Crash Curse" version of the game (Yes, this is still up!), Ace's RTP would still be required for that. If one doesn't have the RTP, and wants to perform some kind of comparison between the two versions, one should be able to get it from this page, using the VX Ace tab.
  • Completed
  • Marrend
  • RPG Maker VX Ace
  • RPG
  • 03/17/2012 01:47 PM
  • 07/14/2021 07:57 PM
  • 12/23/2012
  • 162780
  • 26
  • 1765



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if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
I was thinking about making a magical girl game, except that it'll be filled with nonsense... I gave up cuz I can't draw those mahou shoujo outfits, too damn annoying with the frills and everything

EDIT : This game is not what I had in mind.... I'll probably make that magical girl game of mine soon, if I have time and inspiration
Guardian of the Description Thread
The transformed states aren't going to be too special. Just the RTP "elemental-based spirit" sprites. As for having an FMV, or some kind of specialized sequence, for the first time a protagonist transforms (and truncating the sequence afterwards)? That has not crossed my mind until this moment. Probably going to do something "on the cheap" for that too.
Hey there, just gave your demo a playthrough, and I really liked what I saw :). you've got the magical girl genre down perfectly, and I especially liked the encounter with the ruffians. I did come across one typo, however. It was in classroom 1-A, the blonde haired kid on the left says competion instead of competition.

Looking forward to seeing more of this! :)
I was expecting everything I thought I knew about Uchioniko to be a High School AU :P
Guardian of the Description Thread
@freykin: If my theory about not including the correct "Game Over" sound effect is correct, I might need to do an update before the end of the week anyways. Thanks for the notice!

@flowertheif: Not sure exactly where you got that idea from (Did I say something like this in the developer comments in the Heartache character package?), but I hope it's not too much of a disappointment!
Guardian of the Description Thread
Well, I got another demo uploaded, thought this demo requires the RTP to run. For the VX Ace Nugget Crash Course, this is fine. I just have to keep in mind that when this game goes beyond the scope of that contest, I will need to include what RTP files I use rather than include the whole blasted thing.

Anyway, on to actual update news. I fixed the spelling problem that freykin mentioned (Though that doesn't stop there from being others!), and added a bit more content! I'm figuring we got maybe 15 minutes worth of game, here. I guess it depends on the kind of gamer you are, or how good I am at pointing players to the right place.
Okay, so I've added my LP to the media. Hope you enjoy it and I didn't butcher your characters too much. ^.^;
I liked the game, though there are some parts that might need improving, like the healing rates of some of the skills and adding a few items near the end, in case you have no TP to use chakra...
I hope you find the time to finish this game. It's pretty damn awesome.
Guardian of the Description Thread
After Arbiters is said and done, I should come back to this. Though, I'm not sure how long that will be, to be honest.
Guardian of the Description Thread
I'm just going to toss this out there: I think it's possible, at least in the first encounter-able area of the game, to get two encounters in a row. What I mean to say it that the player moves into an enemy, gets into an encounter, win it, then another encounter happens immediately afterwards. I can't seem to isolate how this happens, but I know I've seen it happen during various test-plays.
Not much on the whole "anime gal" theme..but it's a bit interesting, so subbed~ :)
you need a name that means demon within girl?
well got 2 close to it

demon in the girl=Shōjo no akuma (maybe merge sho-akuma)
the demon within=Oni-nai
Guardian of the Description Thread
you need a name that means demon within girl?
well got 2 close to it

demon in the girl=Shōjo no akuma (maybe merge sho-akuma)
the demon within=Oni-nai

In truth, I did perform a Google Translate whenever it was ago. I think I took the phrase "demon within the girl", and was returned with "On'nanoko no naka no akuma". While that term/phrase might be more accurate with what I wanted, that doesn't quite have the same, I dunno, "zing", I guess, as "uchioniko".

Though the term "uchioniko", in itself, has many inaccuracies. For which I will profusely apologize for, but I have a certain amount of reasoning behind it. According to an oriental name database I have, names can have certain word elements, and those words have meanings. The term "uchi", or "naka", was supposed to simply mean "in". Which I took to mean "inside". The term "oni" I knew from some other source as a term for demons. What we call demons and what the Japanese call demons are two different things, but I might not have realized it at the time. As for the tacked-on "ko" at the end of "uchioniko"? I'm not sure where I got the idea, and I've since learned the falsehood of it, but I once thought that "ko" was a reference to females. This probably had something to do with the anime Project A-ko, where there are three female characters, referred to by some as "A-ko", "B-ko", and "C-ko".

Despite this knowledge of inaccuracy, the name of "uchioniko" kinda stuck. So, that's the story of how this name of "uchioniko" came to be!
you need a name that means demon within girl?
well got 2 close to it

demon in the girl=Shōjo no akuma (maybe merge sho-akuma)
the demon within=Oni-nai
In truth, I did perform a Google Translate whenever it was ago. I think I took the phrase "demon within the girl", and was returned with "On'nanoko no naka no akuma". While that term/phrase might be more accurate with what I wanted, that doesn't quite have the same, I dunno, "zing", I guess, as "uchioniko".

Though the term "uchioniko", in itself, has many inaccuracies. For which I will profusely apologize for, but I have a certain amount of reasoning behind it. According to an oriental name database I have, names can have certain word elements, and those words have meanings. The term "uchi", or "naka", was supposed to simply mean "in". Which I took to mean "inside". The term "oni" I knew from some other source as a term for demons. What we call demons and what the Japanese call demons are two different things, but I might not have realized it at the time. As for the tacked-on "ko" at the end of "uchioniko"? I'm not sure where I got the idea, and I've since learned the falsehood of it, but I once thought that "ko" was a reference to females. This probably had something to do with the anime Project A-ko, where there are three female characters, referred to by some as "A-ko", "B-ko", and "C-ko".

Despite this knowledge of inaccuracy, the name of "uchioniko" kinda stuck. So, that's the story of how this name of "uchioniko" came to be!
oh yeah sorry i forgot the differences between demons, demons in japan are like big animals or animal/human or undead and demons here are from hell
oni-kuma siunds good also,because i remeber now that a shojo is well....
this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sh%C5%8Dj%C5%8D
demon in the girl=Shōjo no akuma (maybe merge sho-akuma)
the demon within=Oni-nai

Not quite, 少女の悪魔 Shoujo no akuma means "a girl's demon" and 鬼内 "oni-nai" means "in a demon"

As Marrend already knows, 内鬼子 "Uchioniko" (lit. "inside demon child")is wrong but since only a handful of people playing the game would know that I think it's a better-sounding title.

And I think a better (although still wrong) translation of oni is "ogre", since "demon" has religious connotations.
Will this install and play without VX?
Guardian of the Description Thread
Will this install and play without VX?

I made a blog concerning this issue, (Not to mention this post), but the short-short answer is yes, you will need the VX Ace RTP to run this game. Not, nessesarily the engine itself, but the RTP, for sure.

I should probably put that in the game description, along with a viable link of where to download it, huh?
With your blogs and recent pictures Ive seen, I was curios as to how far done you are with this project. No real reason, just curios.
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