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So much content!

  • Wikimon
  • 07/20/2015 06:26 PM

Wow, 600 downloads! That's great! I'm so looking forward to hearing from all our players out there. Tell me everything. I wanna hear what path you chose, which romance option you pursued, favorite characters - everything. I wanna hear it all.

There's been a lot going on! First off, we have two new reviews coming in, both placing COATS at a solid 4/5 stars (links below). We've also been following the adventures of Tanner Carter, as he finished his 30+ solid episodes of his Let's Play. We're sad to see him finish it, but boy, what a ride it has been. He finished off the series by giving us an overall review, and I gotta say, I like it.

So if you're still wondering whether or not to give COATS a shot, listen to some of those who've played it. Doesn't sound too bad, now does it?

Stay safe out there, and don't get eaten!
Review by pianotm; http://rpgmaker.net/games/7539/reviews/3842/
Review by Ilan14; http://rpgmaker.net/games/7539/reviews/4007/