Legs are a burden. Return to snek.
Video Game enthusiast and hobbyist developer. Knows python, java, c/c++. Known as Axid elsewhere.

Loves snakes!
Pokémon RMN Version
Poketto Monsutâ: RMN


SMBX Castles - Knocking around and generating ideas

I figure it's a fitting time to ask. I want to make some awesome castles for the current SMBX castle event. I know everyone is going to want to sway towards "Whatever, you come up with" but that's not what I want. Try to stay away from that please. I also want to have a place to bounce around ideas for SMBX castles. If something is a terrible idea, I usually don't realize it (sorry, that's just how I am). So, the purposes of this topic are to discuss potential SMBX castles and things pertaining to that as well as giving feedback on existing ideas.

Currently the castle ideas are...

Stage NameIdea from...DescriptionTo be developed by...
Stronghold of the GiantsBlobofgooAll of the enemies are giant; some other things are giant tooBlobofgoo

I hope this plays out like it does in my head. Thanks for your participation. Hopefully we can get the best castles possible out of this. And maybe one of us will "beat" Kentona.

Codevs should get some ms

I am currently working on an SMBX game. I am not the lead developer though, so I don't get anything. I've contributed a lot to this game. I want to have some reward. Testers and "others" should be rewarded too. Just a slightly smaller amount.

This is a suggestion for RMN 4.5. Hope it makes it.

Is reviewing a community event that you contributed to allowed?

So, as you know, the castles masterpiece set has innitiated and I want to review the end product. I also want to submit too it though. Since this is an SMBX event, the # of levels will probably be high. My levels will only be a small part of the entire game. Can I review it and contribute, cutting out anything dealing with my levels?

Post the stupidest, weirdest, and most annoying ads

I'm sure everyone has seen some pretty annoying ads before. The ones I find most annoying are the ones that actually have sound and are videos. Those ones slow down my computer.

Basically, I'd like to make a collection of these bad ads because they are entertaining. Images are preferred, but text is okay.

First off (from memory):

-An ad with a facebook user image and text reading "3 people unfriended you. Find out who!" Ummm... I don't have a facebook.

-An ad that is a maze. To draw the line you have to hold down your mouse. When you release at the goal, it counts as a click and sends you to the page. This one got me because I was board an had nothing to do. Then I found out I could just go to the goal and then go off of the ad with no problem.

-An ad for World of Warcraft. It is a video ad with sound. It has a speaker button, so I click it hoping to at least mute the video. Turns out the speaker was actually just part of the video, not an actual speaker button. When I clicked it, it sent me to the webpage.

-Ads before games and videos. These have to be the stupidest ads in the world. "This ad will close in 30 seconds" and then you see the underlined button that says "close" or the "skip ad" button. Do they really expect us to not close/skip the ad?

[Poll] SMBX - Gimmicky Vs. Classic

I actually prefer gimmicky stages. They are unique and unrelated to the classic stages. If I wanted to play classic stages, I would play SMW or SMB3. Gimmicks are a chance to extend your creativity and share it. I make my own levels gimmicky because I find them fun that way.

However, I realize everyone doesn't like gimmicky stages, so I am trying to see how RMN is divided. Gimmicks can be good sometimes, but if they are tedious and annoying, the player will hate you.

Please explain and defend your ansnwer.

To be Deleted - Glitch

I actually prefer gimmicky stages. They are unique and unrelated to the classic stages. If I wanted to play classic stages, I would play SMW or SMB3. Gimmicks are a chance to extend your creativity and share it. I make my own levels gimmicky because I find them fun that way.

However, I realize everyone doesn't like gimmicky stages, so I am trying to see how RMN is divided. Gimmicks can be good sometimes, but if they are tedious and annoying, the player will hate you.

Please explain and defend your ansnwer.

What is used to make a webcast/tips and pointers

I've been thinking about possibly making one. I don't want to do one solo. Kentona's SRADIO shows that that is not a good idea. Anyway, I'll figure that part out. This is what I need:

- How to record
- How to record with other people (skype?)
- Any tips and pointers podcasters have

Thank you!

How can I eliminate lag from this

This is my code:

Which then activates this:

Their is lag when the event is called. I've tried many different things, but they haven't worked. It keeps making the game freeze for a little bit and then it continues. It freezes every 1 second because of the wait command. Does anyone have any ideas or anything?

EDIT: The first is parallel process

How can I make a HP/Food/Water/Etc. Bar (rm2k3)

I've toyed around with this for a while. I know it is possible to make bars because I've seen it done. The bars need to work on a timer (deplete 10 times in 30 second incrimants). I have come with one way that involves 10 pictures per bar, but this would be very inconvenient and take a ton of pics (about 90). This will go in the top right corner and the bars are horizontal.

Can someone explain basic CSS

That gamepage CSS code is taunting me, but I don't know any CSS. I just want to know enough to change text color and background color. It would be good if someone could show and example off CSS coding too.