A plugin which will generate minimaps for your maps

  • Kazesui
  • 02/24/2013 07:49 PM

This plugin will allow you to generate and configure your own minimap with a few comment commands. It also shows the hero position, and you're free to put any other "target" on the minimap as you like, and link these to specific coordinates, value of specified variables or even the coordinates of an event of choice.

More detailed instructions can be found in the readme in the download


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  • 04/28/2024 04:14 AM



Pages: 1
Wow, hot dang! This thing just solved my problems with making in-game dungeon maps! Thanks:D
How the hell does this work? I made a 3x4 empty square in one of the wall tiles and it noticed it. Is it something to do with passability?
Yep. It's reads the mapfile and chipset details to return the passability directions of all the tiles on the map, and generates an image based on this
Very cool indeed!

Would it be possible to further expand this plugin to display the squares on minimap with colors dependent on the terrain type associations in the tileset tab?

I'm thinking about a mini-world map, with separate colors for: passable terrain, impassable (mountains, etc) and water, for example.
Yes, it's possible. It would even be possible to read the tileset itself, and take an average of the colors of each tile, and then output this to the minimap.
Unfortunatly, I don't have time to implement either at the moment though, so you'll be waiting a minimum of a month before this could be implemented

(feel free to drop me a pm after a month though, as to remind me of this)
Has there been any reported bugs or anything since you've put this out? I think this is a very cool utility, just would like to know if there's any risks associated with it.
To my knowledge, there is no risks of bugs related to this plugin as of yet, but there are some with the DynRPG patch which you need to apply to be able to use this plugin. The worst bug probably being that it messes a bit with the transparency of events. I think there were a few other things as well, but I cannot recall them (apart from transparency, nothing dire I think).
The transparency issue should be fixed whenever the next version of the DynRPG patch is released, but it's very hard to tell when that will be.
I've got a few questions.
Is there anyway to make this simpler and efficient?
By this, My advances that I'd like to make while I use this.

Make. "Link_id", 1, 2, 3. Is this possible?(Tagging different events with the same level of importance). Being able to directly target an Event, instead of guessing which is the name of it. Thanks.
Question: What's the name of the players 'Target'
I wish to make it pink~!
I do NOT understand what I should do once I install dynrpg_patcher.exe and where should I put the readme code below


The comment commands:

is it compatible with easy rpg on consoles?

thanks for the info
not parameters

-creates a minimap for the current map

parameter#1: nametag for target (text)

-creates a new target to be displayed on the minimap

parameter#1: name tag of target (text)
parameter#2: color from colortable (text)

parameter#1: name tag of target (text)
parameter#2: red component from 0 to 255 (numeric)
parameter#3: green component from 0 to 255 (numeric)
parameter#4: blue component from 0 to 255 (numeric)

- Assigns a color to the target either from text
or from giving the explicit color in rgb format.

parameter#1 nametag of target (text)
parameter#2 set type of link (text, see below)
parameter#3 ID or x component (numeric)
parameter#4 and component (numeric)

- links target to a set of coordinates, specified by
it's type. The possible types to chose from are
"link_coordinate" = set target to given position
"link_variable" = x and y parameters give the id
of the variables to be used for
the coordinates.
"link_id" = links the coordinates of the target to
an event with id equal to the id
id parameter.

@set_target_link "test", "link_id", 4
@set_target_link "test", "link_variable", 1, 2
is it compatible with easy rpg on consoles?

Easy RPG has some of my plugins coded in from what I know, but not all of them.
The plugins which have already been coded in, might work without extra effort, but the ones which have not are not going to be compatible with it.
Do note that the plugins you find on this site are _only_ compatible with the old pirated version of rpg maker 2003. They are not compatible with the legal version of rpg maker 2003 (i.e. the one you can buy on Steam).

I do NOT understand what I should do once I install dynrpg_patcher.exe and where should I put the readme code below

Assuming you have the correct version of rpg maker 2003, you will want to create a project with it, then run the dynrpg_patcher.exe (this executable can be stored anywhere), find the path to the project folder you made in rpg maker 2003 and select the RPG_rt.exe.
This will install DynRPG functionality to the game you're making.
Once this is done, you'll want to take the plugin which you can download here, and move it the DynPlugin folder (insider the project folder).

The readme.txt is not something you need to include, it's just instructions for how to use it, which involves using the "comment" command in the event script, and using the defined commands given in the readme

I'm from Spain do you known anything post to rpg maker 2003 minimap ? Thanks
Pages: 1