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Markiplier-Very nice guy, and funny.

AlphaOmegaSin-He is very highly opinionated at times, but he seems like a good guy too.
I'm disappointed at the lack of love for CineMassacre (AVGN) in this thread. The dude is a precursor of this stuff. I think his is the channel I've been subscribed to the longest, and I remain loyal to it. I don't know why, but I find James Rolfe's voice to be rather soothing. Sometimes I just leave his content playing on the background while I do something else.

The other two channels you could say I watch religiously are: The Game Theorist, and Did You Know Gaming, but I often watch other related channels, depending of what strikes my fancy from the suggestions bar. I also enjoy watching content that is more "documentary-like" in nature, like from The Gaming Historian, but I don't subscribe (or stay subscribed for long) to channels that don't put out content regularly. I find it preferable to just visit them every few months and watch whatever is new.

Besides that I watch Liana K. She has the most fair and balanced take I've seen of the day to day shenanigans of gaming culture.

Regarding general entertainment stuff, I watch things like: Vsauce, Minute Physics, Epic Rap Battles of History, The Philip DeFranco Show, The Kids React channel -- You know, the usual... Plus several channels in Spanish that probably nobody here is interested in.
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
nat tran, the jimquisition and sorted food.

i used to watch a lot of jacksfilms but he's gotten pretty boring.
Circumstance penalty for being the bard.
RMN Alumni Brickroad has a great channel if you have an interest in Let's Plays of games fro mthe 80's and 90's, though he's started doing modern stuff recently.
I'm quite a fan of the Yogscast. For those not in the know, they started as a group of gaming friends who just played games together and have since grown, bringing in new friends and are one of the big names in youtube gamers. They're a lot of fun and you're guaranteed to find at least one of them that you find fun to watch. I'm personally a fan of Hannah, Kim, Lewis and Simon, Duncan and Zoey - but there's something for everyone.

NicoB is someone I've followed since he began youtubing and it's amazing to see just how far he's come. A personal friend and someone who used to frequent the site (made Forever's End), he's turned to LPing as his thing and he's doing great. He does voices and jokes but his content can be a bit ribald at times and some people don't like his jokes - no group is safe. Frankly, I like his LPs and find them hilarious, especially as I know he's a real nice guy outside of the insults in games. He mainly does horrors and jRPGs/Visual novel-esque games (like Phoenix Wright, Dangan Ronpa and the like), though he's done a whole bunch of different ones, including RM LPs.

My other favourite LPers (I follow quite a few) are:
HCBailly - he's been on the scene for a while now and does mostly older jRPGs. He's been a bit touch and go lately for various reasons, but he used to update every day and he still has a ton of LPs completed and he tends to be completionist in his playing, interspersed with various information.
Generikb is a silly man but that's what makes watching him fun. He messes up a lot in games but he has so much fun doing so that it's just a joy to watch. He plays all kinds of games, though he does dabble in minecraft sometimes too. But yeah, I'm enjoying his stuff.
Lost Pause is... well he's a perv and as such he plays pervy games. I found him by complete accident and have watched some of his vids since then. He does a lot of editing in his videos and he's just so silly you can't help but to like him. But yeah, high pervy alert. He mainly plays hentai games, so... if you don't mind that kind of thing, give him a shot.
GameragiGames I picked up by accident. His current LP is him playing Final Fantasy 7 blind and it's pretty good so far, as well as being interesting to see a modern mindset vs PS1 game. He does a great job.

For music I follow a few people:
ERB do the Epic Rap Battles series.
Adrian von Ziegler for his amazing music.
Vermillion for my AMV fix.
Barely Political for their Key of Awesome parody vids. Love em~

Wisecrack are amazing! Their various series are great but I'm a big fan of Thug Notes. Everyone should check that out. It's so good.

The React channel is fun. They basically get different age groups to react to various things like video games, social stuff, viral videos and food. Pretty interesting to see how they differ sometimes.

sWooZie is da man and I love him to bits. He usually only updates once a month, but he's such a great guy and gives some really good advice about all kinds of stuff. He also tells a lot of funny stories about his life.
Some people think AVGN was just faking, and lost some popularity because of that, and the whole movie thing he did.

I thought he was funny. :)
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Some people think AVGN was just faking, and lost some popularity because of that, and the whole movie thing he did.

I thought he was funny. :)

...faking what? I mean, he obviously is acting, he's said as much in just about everything. Why would anyone care?!

I didn't include him in my list just because I assumed everyone into vidya gaems would already be aware of him. He's the granddaddy of internet video criticism, after all.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
It's a Youtube video. The fact that anyone would care if a Youtuber was faking is far more ridiculous than anything that's actually on Youtube.
One channel and one series over here.

Supergreatfriend is probably my fav youtuber of all time! He's super cool and funny without ever dipping into gross shit wrt humour. He's also got the BEST radio voice, so it is extremely relaxing to watch his vids. I've learned about a few really cool games through his channel, and his Deadly Premonition LP is hands down one of the best LPs I've ever seen. SO THOROUGH... SO ENTERTAINING...
and he doesn't talk through the cutscenes ;___;

Dunno about the rest of the channel, but Polygon's Monster Factory is ridic funny. It has made me cry laughing, especially the Mass Effect 2 and Skyrim episodes. There's only 7 atm, but oh man they're all golden. <3
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Seconding SGF's Deadly Premonition LP.
Yogscast for the win! They were the first Minecraft players I ever saw on Youtube. I'm a little sad that Simon and Lewis haven't done too many new Minecraft series after Hole Diggers and Deep Space Mine. I mostly watch Duncan and Kim's FluxBuddies now...waiting for Simon and Lewis to do a Minecraft modpack series again...
Simon is currently sick so he's been away for months. I do enjoy the TTT and GTA stuff (and Derpulies XD ) but I very much miss Simon too. :<
I keep with Cryaotic, Jacksfilms, Vsauce and its related channels, and Sourcefed and its related channels the most. I like a few others too but those are the main ones.
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