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When your Gathering scripts for your game at first you're generally going to find issues that arise when you put those scripts in. Then when you fix that problem with a different script in replacement that can cause more problems because of confliction. Then you have to go and find out which scripts are clashing what caused the problem and how to fix it. That's not only frustrating in its own right but it also causes you to not want to work on your game at the time being sometimes. Who else agrees and has had similar problems.
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
I disagree and I would also like to loan you some question marks????
Guardian of the Description Thread
Short answer:
Yes... and no.

Long answer:

Since I'm a total hack the author of my own scripts, it can be more than frustrating: figuring out exactly what went wrong, and where. Sometimes, I have issues just figuring out where I need to start! Sometimes it's necessary to take a break from all that, and it's during these breaks that I sometimes get better/different ideas on the task at hand.

Blogs that might speak to this thread include this blog, from Okiku, Star Aprentice, and maybe these two blogs, from Myraid Cypher?
I disagree and I would also like to loan you some question marks????

LOL I type this out with voice instead of text because I felt like being lazy and I don't know how to get it to do question marks.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Programming is an art. That is, you can't put a Jackson Pollock painting right beside DaVinci and expect the two will cohesively go together.

Everyone has different approaches to how they write code. As a result, conflicts can happen when you use a script by two different people with completely different styles or experience.

It sucks, but what can you do? It's better to learn programming yourself so you can at least be able to tinker with scripts to get them suited to your needs.
Programming is an art. That is, you can't put a Jackson Pollock painting right beside DaVinci and expect the two will cohesively go together.

It's a science too!!
I just fixed what I was trying to do. I was having issues showing weakness damage to an enemy. It would show the damage, but not say weakness. Turns out I just had to put TheoAllen Basic Modules script ABOVE my Yami Battle Engine.
Stand back. Artist at work. I paint with enthusiasm if not with talent.
I don't know. Does anybody have the right to complain about scripts not working together when all they did was copy-paste a script that they didn't even write?
I don't know. Does anybody have the right to complain about scripts not working together when all they did was copy-paste a script that they didn't even write?

That was kinda dick, my topic is not attack worthy by any means. I asked a simple question, your reply was not called for.
That's not dick. Dick is a penis, or a private detective or someone named Richard, dude.

It was a pretty valid observation, too (if that's your idea of an attack you might need to grow some thicker skin) - you're getting free shit and expect it all to work together when it comes from different people? That's a bit entitled. It's not like they're working together to create these scripts, after all - they're completely separate and removed from each other. Maybe if you actually commissioned scripts from a person for your project, asking the scripter to fit them around the already-added scripts in there and it didn't work then you'd have something to complain about, but otherwise? Not really.

I mean, sure, it's a bit annoying but the only one you can really blame for it is yourself for designing a game that relies on others to create.
That's not dick. Dick is a penis, or a private detective or someone named Richard, dude.

It was a pretty valid observation, too (if that's your idea of an attack you might need to grow some thicker skin) - you're getting free shit and expect it all to work together when it comes from different people? That's a bit entitled. It's not like they're working together to create these scripts, after all - they're completely separate and removed from each other. Maybe if you actually commissioned scripts from a person for your project, asking the scripter to fit them around the already-added scripts in there and it didn't work then you'd have something to complain about, but otherwise? Not really.

I mean, sure, it's a bit annoying but the only one you can really blame for it is yourself for designing a game that relies on others to create.

Ok first of all, I never once said I wasn't grateful for the use of other peoples scripts did I? Second, it is frustrating. Just because I didn't make them means I'm not a lot to get annoyed when what I'm trying to put together isn't initially working, bull crap. Third, I never once downed or insulted anyone's work because it was conflicting, because it's ultimately my doing. Fourth, I'm fully aware scripts aren't really designed to stand beside one another. It's trial and error. Which is what my topic was basically saying.
Sorry for the double post by the way.

And Liberty I actually wanted to comment on something you had said. You mentioned it being my fault for making something that relies on other people to create, that's more or less false. Sure I do use scripts not a lot but I do use some however, more than half of the features in my game are done by myself without the use of scripts some of which were kind of complex to create. My party system, my moogle town, my talents tree, my ability system, my gem point system and my special menu. Also the graphics used, sure I didn't create most of the graphics but I spend a lot of time piecing things together to make them look as good as possible. I tend to spend a lot of time on the smaller finer details to make as polished of a game as I can. So in short I don't fully rely on other people's stuff to create my game. Theoretically I could probably make my game without most of those scripts it just wouldn't look as nice. That's precisely why I had those people in the credits not because I have to but because I want to.
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