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Not looking for advice really. I've been brainstorming puzzles for my game, and was curious what, in your personal opinion, makes a good puzzle, or your favourite puzzle/puzzle type.
A good puzzle is the kind where the player feels clever for having solved it (irrespective of whether the puzzle was actually difficult or not).

To have this hit home with as many as possible, you'd do well to have the puzzle rely on something which doesn't seem obvious at first, but which the player is very likely to "accidentally" discover whilst playing, and this discovery making the puzzle relatively easy to solve.
I would refer you to the channel GMTK. There's a great video on this exact subject.

Essentially this video says anything I would say, but in my opinion a good puzzle is one that keeps things simple, has a clear objective, subverts player assumptions, and has a solution that gives the player a sort of "aha" moment
Gamedev by sunlight, magical girl by moonlight
See that game over there, Zelda Ocarina of Time?

Yeah, follow everything that game does when it comes to puzzles, but do the opposite. /j

In more serious terms, make sure to give the player at least a bit of direction of what the hecky they're supposed to be doing. The worst kind of puzzles are the puzzles that you have no idea how to even approach. Puzzles should also not be frustrating to achieve even when you know the solution. The challenge should be on finding the solution, not on executing it.
A good puzzle is a dead puzzle. Or maybe, a puzzle that fails to be implemented, like what Papyrus did (that was legitimately one of the best ideas in Undertale, too bad they did a crappy version/repeat of it in Deltarune with Lancer).
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