
I'm old here, I'm 15, i live in Maryland
my favorite types of games are post apocalyptic,zombies,survival,fantasy,
i think I'm pretty good at reviewing games i do make games off vx and ace but i will probably never post a game on here....

MY steam is SittingBear friend me :P



Dissidia Square-Enix - The RPG

I cant wait for this game :D other square enix people? how about my favorite game back when it was squaresoft The Bouncer I loved that game xD


Face of an angel :D


I always new this was your real name :)

The Lover's Final Ballad 【 恋人たち最終的バラード】

Will this one have all those cool Party member needs too? stress hunger and fatigue lust
what im really asking if it will have masturbation,sex,and prostitutes

Butterfly Chronicles: Palemoon

so i leave and you cancel BoR D:
but this looks cooler :D anyways


Is that denzel's face down there?


I dont like where that hand is going...>.>


lol i see this and now i look at the new one

Growth Spurts!

I like the smaller version the if you do tall version you would have to redo all the towns so they dont look like giants to the doors and walls


Merry Christmas? oh my god thats a offensive im Jewish -.-
Haha i think this is cute,does it happen to be a hidden area in the game?