the world ends in whatever my makerscore currently is

Let's take drugs and go to war.

Follow the story of two survivors after an infection has spread across the USA.



How much can does a Name affect a game?

Black/White : Renegade is pretty bad to be honest.

Even "Renegade" alone is better even if you have competition. add a "z" to that and maybe you have something

They're baaaaack...

Does the dude need to eat filleted megalodon?

He can pretty much feed himself forever and quite a few villages of starving ethiopians at this point.

D'you ever look back at your old projects. And your eyes instinctively want to fly out of your sockets and roll away from sheer embarrassment?

No, actually!

If anything I look back and think "why did I stop working on this??!?"

They're baaaaack...

It's a cashgrab, let's be honest. And that's cool. I would probably do the same for money. Especially after I've done all the hard work.

It's sad I've come to expect this after capcom and co. ruined Resident Evil for me.

She Dreams Elsewhere

Love the enemy art and battle backdrops in fact I like the art in general :)

Best of luck with your commercial endeavor!

The Swallow's Descent

Hey guys! Really awesome work finishing this :)

Been late to say that!

It's good to be back!

Welcome back! :)

What are you thinking about right now?

I don't understand why any sport would not involve stripping.
Most sports involve stripping. Like in track and field you see how they always take off a bunch of clothes before doing the sporting thing and then after the performance they put the clothes back on again.

Or soccer players who take off their shirts after a win!

[RMVX ACE] Does any one know how to arrange maps

I think you can just drag the map into other maps or the main folder at the top to rearrange them