

[RM2k/2k3] Video Request Thread: How to Bring Video into RM2k/2k3

Microsoft MPEG-4 v2 should work in all Windows versions without installing additional codecs. MS MPEG4 v3 could be better, but they dropped support for .avi in later encoder versions, only supporting ASF containers. The v2 is the most efficient codec supported out of the box in all Windows versions supported by RPG Maker 2000/2003 in AVI containers without any codec installation requirement. Don't confuse with ISO MPEG-4, which may require extra codecs, e.g. in Windows XP.

But if you want to get serious with video in new game developments, consider the new AOMedia's AV1 codec and use some RPG_RT replacement like EasyRPG Player because is open source (and already supports Opus for audio), so you may hack the code to include AV1 decoders, e.g. dav1d. This should provide the most efficient video codec for the best quality/size ratio and royalty free (no patent fear).

For completeness, here are more games with more used codecs:

EasyRPG Player 0.4.1 "Blind Attack"

EasyRPG Player 0.4.1 “Blind Attack”

It's time for the first bug fix release since December. The new release features a heavily improved event interpreter, many fixes to the battle system and other minor improvements.

But at first something completely different: In December one of our developers held a lightning talk at the 32c3. Check out the article and the slides. And there is the lightning talk:


One port that is not maintained by us, is for the Pandora. The user "Ingo Reis" has a Youtube channel where he showcases all the homebrew for the Pandora. Check out running "Zelda Links Awakening" (Inofficial RPG Maker version) on the Pandora:

Now back to the changelog. As usual we group the detailed changes in our blog post in "Interpreter", "Battle system" and "The other stuff" ;).


The way how interpreter updates are executed in the original engine was figured out via many hours of testing and using a tool we invented ("event tracer"). This probably fixed hundreds of games. The games we are aware of the got fixed are Doraemon: Nobita's Resident Evil (#692), Dungeoneer: A Beautiful Escape (#677), the combat system of Violated Heroine and speaking with Marin in Zelda: Link's Awakening. Read the details in the linked issue if you want to know, how chaotic the interpreter is: #753

Event movement speed/acceleration was too high due to a script bug (#762), which made the school hunt event in .flow unplayable:


Above/Below hero events that collide with the Player character are now triggered. This fixes the game Dyhortfight. (#661)

After defeating Orca the game Wadanohara did not continue properly. This was a bug in the way how win-handlers are executed. (#702)

Orca was defeated

Nyria can rescue her mother now in Vampires Dawn 2. This was caused by a quirk in the way how RPG Maker encodes events. (#724)

The game Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle got many issues resolved:
  • The "Frame" (a strange RPG Maker 2003 feature which overlays a frame over the map and is not scriptable) got implemented (#694)

  • Tile opacity was not restored after loading a savegame (#695)

  • Scripted events did not continue properly after losing a fight. We are not sure how this got fixed, probably same issue as Wadanohora. (#682)

Left: Old version without frame and incorrect transparency. Right: New, corrected version

After using an Inn in 7thjojo a black screen appeared. #769

The Sacred Tears: TRUE crashed in the savegame scene. This was due a bug in the reencoding of strings in movement commands. This bug got fixed in liblcf. (#556)

Issues in Doraemon: Nobita's Resident Evil got fixed by improvements to the event interpreter and by implementing "Condition: Started by Action Key"

Ara Fell heavily relies on variable changes for the fade-in effect on the title screen. This way we found a performance bug: The Player always refreshed common events when variables were updated. This doesn't make sense because common events are only influenced by switches. Now the title screen in Ara Fell is fading in smoothly. Another title crash was caused by another data structure optimization of RPG Maker, this time in terrain data. (#785)

Events can now jump onto the field of the Player when they are above or below the hero. This fixes a game breaking bug at the end of のび太戦記ACE (Nobisen ACE). (#822)

Picture rotations calculates the angle now correctly. (#722)

The interpreter holds execution now when a vehicle is (un)boarded. (#768).

The ATB flag for RPG Maker 2003 battles is now saved and toggling and checking via event commands works now. (#796)

Calling a non-existant Event page shows a warning now instead of crashing. (#689)

When a message contained a "kill" (\^) command and a choice the kill flag was not reset and killed the next message. (#783)

Using of "*.script.wav" files result in a more descriptive warning now because they require Ineluki's Key Patch which is not implemented (#731).

Exit Game (RPG Maker 2k3 1.11 feature) returns now to the Game Browser (if available) instead of closing the Player (#791).

Battle system

The using of skills and items in battle was improved. This fixes problems in Vampires Dawn 2 and Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle. This affected especially equipment (swords & co.) which contained a skill. (#732). Equipped equipment is also listed now in the item window and usable as a skill. (#745)

Battle music did not play in Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle (#600). This was again a liblcf issue, the battle music was not correctly set after loading a savegame created with the original engine (RPG_RT).

Spell drain (e.g. Blut saugen/sucking blood in Vampires Dawn) was draining HP and not SP due to a typo (#808)

Inflicting states (e.g. Poison) broke due to a bug invented months before 0.4. This works again now and additional effects (HP drain when poisoned) got invented. (#815) Furthermore RPG Maker 2003 battles did not apply states at all (#764)

The "0" (zero) was not always rendered in the Gauge battle system (RPG Maker 2003) because we failed in math (#678), e.g. in Vampires Dawn 2:

Missing numbers in the gauge battle style

Another problem with Vampires Dawn 2 was, that it does not use cursors for actor selections. Therefore it was not possible to see which actor is highlighted for items or skills. The highlighted actor flashes now like in the original engine.(#825).

A crash was fixed in OFF when fighting with an enemy group which spawned additional enemies. Also the gauge of invisible enemies is not updated anymore and heal skills invoked by enemies don't deal damage to them anymore. #723

The "Rundumschlag" Skill always missed in Unterwegs in Düsterburg because it had a base damage of zero (#766)

Return of Touhou Mother locked up in battles because it uses "Get Midi Ticks" for timing (#744). This is still not 100% reliable, at least the combo system won't work.

The "End battle" command was not ending battles (#741, #739)

After reviving a character the dead state was not correctly removed when the item/skill had a power of 0. The revived actor gets now 1 HP instead (#825).

We fixed many deadlocks (battle hangs and you must close the Player) many happening because of death in the battle system (#825):
  • After reviving an actor the dead animation was not reset to the idle animation, which resulted in a hang because the battle system waits until the actor returns to the idle animation.

  • When an enemy and an actor reached a full gauge the same time and the enemy does the turn and kills the actor the dead actor will get the turn and hang the battle. Dead actors get now a gauge of 0.

  • The algorithm for picking the next movable actor had an error in the way how it looped over the party resulting in dead actors being selected which hangs the battle like in the previous case.

  • Enemy Self Destruct and Enemy Escape actions hang the RPG Maker 2003 battle. (#763)

  • The GameOver event command resulted in an hang when used in battles, too. (#771)

The algorithm for battles got improved and supports now the following features (#826):
  • Attribute multiplier and resistance are supported now (e.g. Fire skills that are weak to water enemies)

  • Weapons respect the "Attack attributes" now for getting damage multipliers

  • Weapons can increase the critical hit rate

  • Weapons can inflict conditions

  • Weapon can ignore the target's dodge rate

  • Weapons consume SP now when they have a SP cost and are used as a normal weapon.

  • Atk, Def & co. changes as results of skill/item damaged are applied now in battle. (#767)


Saving the next script line instead of the current one as the next executable line. This resulted in problems in loops because this way loops got exited when the saving occurred while an interpreter was on the "Continue Loop" command. (#770)

The way how states (Dead, Poison, ...) are saved by RPG Maker was incompatible to the way we stored them. This was adjusted and we write more proper savegames now. Together with other minor fixes savegames created by EasyRPG Player are usable in RPG Maker Runtime (RPG_RT) now (though, in some cases, we found more incompatibilities)! (#670)


Starting from Android 4.4 (KitKat) the SdCard is not writable anymore by default. This rendered our additional game directory implementation almost useless. The save directory is redirected now to a directory on the internal storage to work around this issue. (#534, #726)
The architectures armeabi, x86 and mips are supported now. (#413)

Our App is now also available in Korean language (#790).

The buttons enter/cancel/shift were not usable anymore in the layout editor, because their names were not translated. (#777)

You can now send bug report emails from the in-game menu. This feature is heavily used since then and we already got hundreds of emails. Thank you for your help improving the Player!


Player Emscripten failed to download sound effects invoked via "Play Sound" in movement commands (#509)


OS X had a tearing issue in fullscreen (#704)


The Wii port got some love, too. Debug log messages are not spammed on the screen anymore (#742) and overscan issues got fixed. (#743)


System background mode "tiled" got implemented (#479), now the menus render correctly in AE:

Correct, tiled rendering mode in the background

Fixed equipment can't be changed anymore in the Equip scene (#800)

The savegame path stayed at the toplevel directory when using the game browser (#750). When launching multiple games from the gamebrowser, the first engine of the first was used for all (#755).

Rendering issues for HP/MP got solved in RPG Maker 2003 games (#715), for example in El Heredero del Rey:

The numbers are now readable

"F12" and "end game" stop now the music playback when returning to the title scene (#756).

The ICU data file got updated to support Thai. Thai itself is currently unusable in Player due to missing font support. But this is a first step. (#746) Another encoding problem got resolved in Nobita's Biohazard (Korean version). Some files were not found (#649).

The Player is now packaged via the Open Build Service. (#499). You can download packages for your favourite Linux distributions.

We support now Windows RT. Read the previous blog post for additional information (#728).

We work around a bug in the audio library (SDL2_mixer) we use, which fixes MS ADPCM playback (#710).


As mentioned earlier savegames in Sacred Tears broke due to an encoding bug in liblcf. (#155)

The message stretch settings was not written to the save game data. (#170)

Battle and other music effects were not correctly loaded from a savegame. (#173)

The ATB (for RPG 2003 battle) field was added. One field less to go. The savegame compatibility gets better and better! (#171)

The savegame parser is now more fault tolerant and should crash less when encountering bad savegames (#175)

For developers

  • The CMake build passes the C++11 flag now #737

  • Autotools generates proper (not tainted) tarballs now. #712

  • The "platform" subfolder got removed and the files are now stored in the src directory like all other files #772

EasyRPG Player 0.4.0 RELEASED!

By the way, two notes:

EasyRPG lightning talk in the #32C3. Watch it live tomorrow Nov 29th 12:55 UTC+1 at https://streaming.media.ccc.de/32c3/

Android version has been updated in Google Play and now supports Intel x86, MIPS and old armeabi, now supporting a few hundred additional devices.

Gah, this is fucking awesome

Enjoy ^^.

EasyRPG Player 0.4.0 RELEASED!

EasyRPG Player 0.4.0 “Poison Attack”

If you are celebrating christmas: Merry christmas! For everybody else: Today is your lucky day!

Today we release version 0.4.0, Codename “Poison Attack”.

This version introduces a simple game browser for all platforms (except Android, which already has a native one) and fixes lots of important issues in the game interpreter and battles. Furthermore the new conditions and events of RPG Maker 2003 v1.11 (The official English release) are supported now.

The new version codename refers to the next database tab (skills), and “Poison Attack” is the first skill in the list.


The battle against Sylvia in Unterwegs in Düsterburg resulted in a hang because battle animations were repeated endlessly (#656).

Fixed a divide by 0 crash during battles in Mystic Sunrise because some battlers had zero MP (#653).

Battle event pages with start condition "actor turn" or "enemy turn" don't run multiple times now in the same turn. This fixes repeated message issues in OFF (#674).

Boss battles finally working better in OFF

Fix hang in battles in Monigote Fantasy when using idle animation states (#608).

Pending battle events were not correctly cleared in RPG Maker 2003 battle system when the battle ended. The next battle deadlocked the game (#652).

Loading a save from RPG_RT didn't restore RPG 2003 battle commands correctly, rendering battles impossible (#601).

Pressing F12 during a RPG Maker 2000 battle crashed the game the next time a battle started (#419).


There were many fixes to the interpreter which are a bit difficult to explain. Most of them are related to the execution order of events and special corner cases of the RPG_RT interpreter. In short: Many games will work better.

Ib: Interpreter hanged in the sketchbook bucket house (#629).

Ib: Picking of one piece of the Guertena painting was not possible. The reason for this was that there were two events that started when pressing "Enter" but Player only started one (#669).

Ib: Pressing decision/cancel key in the Mirror was closing it mostly instantly. This issue was also affecting Wadanohara and The Gray Garden (#645).

The "Measure time until key is pressed" method of "Process Key Input" incremented the counter ten times faster than RPG_RT, affecting Clock of Atonement (#659)

Mimicry Man: Message Window was not closing (#589).

Monigote Fantasy. Entering houses required touching the tile twice (incorrect handling of "On Touch" events) (#654).

Unterwegs in Düsterburg. A bug in move route handling (Event command: Proceed with Movement) resulted in a hang in Grandys house (#650).

Unterwegs in Düsterburg. The interpreter froze in Grandys Zimmer at Königsberg (#665).

The Sacred Tears: TRUE and Standstill Girl
The main character was not able to move because these games used move routes that could finish in one update tick (e.g. commands like "Change sprite" or "Face left"). RPG_RT will not block the movement in such cases but Player did. This fixed movement in The Sacred Tears: TRUE and Standstill Girl. Which is quite ironic because of Standstill :D.

Standstill Girl is not standing still anymore

The hero in Sacred Tears can walk now

The cursor in the title scene of Sacred Tears: TRUE was not displayed (#559).

Switching from charset to tileset graphics was broken. This resulted in a hang in the library of Boy Ichiro's Modesty (#667).

Support for music loop condition in conditional branch. This fixes a hang in the intro cutscene of のび太戦記ACE (#655).

The rain sound effect was played hundreds of times in Vampires Dawn. Parallel common events are now suspended when the start condition is not met anymore (instead of reset) (#453).

Incorrectly render order (Z value) when tiles were substituted in The Last days according to Ezra (#620).

The new event commands and conditional branch conditions introduced with RPG Maker 2003 v1.11 (English release) are supported now (#587).

The "Change Equipment" was not working correctly (#688)

When an event contained multiple battle encounters the interpreter jumped to the condition handler (win/lose) of the last one (#610).

The call inn command was not working properly, it was not recovering the party and this was making games much harder to play (#631).

Fixed KeyInputProc for games that were created with RPG Maker 2000 and later converted to RPG Maker 2003 (#604).

Events on the map were not refreshed by all events that altered variables (#590).

Screen flash timing was not working properly (#644).

F12 (Return to title) did not reset all values (#651).


Web Audio issues were resolved and now supports MIDI and MOD playback (#641).

Fixed Ogg Vorbis noisy audio playback (#672).


Many improvements for Android (they were already available in the PlayStore since months, but to sum it up):

The buttons are resizable and multiple layouts can be saved. Also portrait orientation is now supported. You can get vibration feedback when you press a button (#598, #597, #591).

Support for systems with x86 CPU (before: only ARM). If it was crashing on start up on your device: Try again.

"EXFONT" rendering (glyph symbols rendered when using $a-$z and $A-$Z codes) finally works. It was broken because our lazy Android maintainer did not update our library for PNG rendering since years :P (#635).

Wadanohara with ExFont on Android

Hungarian translation (#648). Thanks to Farkas Ürdüng.

Japanese translation (#642). Thanks to Mephisto.

Portuguese translation (#686). Thanks to Kennedy Cirino da Silva and Daniel Paim de Mattos!

Other fixes/improvements

Windows XP support has been dropped, sorry!

A Game browser was added (#664). This allows loading games from the current directory. Navigating in other directories is not yet possible, but is useful for embedded devices.

Game Browser showing the many games our developers have

Vehicles displayed on wrong map (#593).

Tile substitution did not correctly update the terrain ID (#638).

Files with names starting with "." were ignored (#637).

The money window ("\$" command) was broken (#632).

Sometimes \c returned the wrong color (#612).

Weather effects were not persisting between maps (#592).

NOT included in this release

Some features were planned for 0.4 but couldn't be finished error free in time: Screen shake and tiled rendering mode for system graphics. They will come in a later release a few months later.

For developers:

This version started using C++11 features to make development more pleasant.

Windows: Because of C++11 you need to build Player with Visual Studio 2015 and because older versions are already unsupported (#595).

RMN and SSL (https)

This is a must. I'm using HTTPS last years and it is really worth.

ps: Don't forget to support OCSP stapling for server performance saving. This SSL Configuration Generator is worth to follow. We used it also to get better SSL server results with some additional tweaks to use 256-bit ciphers only and HPKP.

EasyRPG Player for iOS (iPhone/iPad)

Why isn't this on Easyrpg's gamepage?

...Does Easyrpg even have a gamepage?

EasyRPG had a gamepage in rpgmaker.net some time ago, but dropped it to use an engine page, as it is not a game. However, engine pages need manual submission to website moderators currently and don't have easy to update journal/blog, then I'm using forum post to publish these small updates.

The project has its own website and a blog, but this iOS feature update is a bit small and the port lacks buttons. We have already building iOS binaries in https://easy-rpg.org/jenkins/ but the iOS version is not useful to be linked for end users without having virtual buttons yet. It can be useful however for developers.

EasyRPG Player for iOS (iPhone/iPad)

A new video with midi playback and application icon:


Now rebuilt with newer SDK version (Xcode 6.4, before 6.3.2) and with C++11 support.

If you want to test it, install OpenSSH from Cydia, create a minimal Info.plist , connect via SSH to your device, create a folder.app in /Applications and upload the Info.plist and this binary (and add executable permissions with chmod +x). I'll prepare a app folder bundle later to make deployment easier.

The goal after getting a portable touch interface would be submitting the app to some existing Cydia repository for a super-easy end user installation.

EasyRPG Player for iOS (iPhone/iPad)

tl;dr (video with Japanese Yume Nikki game rotating):


Introducing the iOS version of EasyRPG Player, the open source cross-platform RPG Maker 2000 and RPG Maker 2003 game interpreter.

It works with all features (MIDI, MP3 and MOD support, automatic game encoding detection and such).

What is missing yet:
- On screen buttons. Without buttons, games are unplayable on touch only devices. We don't have a cross platform on screen virtual touch button interface but it will be added "soon". It will be used in Windows Mobile and HTML5 ports.

- It needs a jailbroken device. We don't have money enough to waste $99/year for the App Store.

- Ported without modifying any line of the application code.
- Made without a Mac (cross compiled from GNU/Linux).

[Tool] [Windows] [Linux] XYZ-thumbnailer, preview XYZ images from your file manager!

This new tool is part of the EasyRPG Tools subproject allows to preview those files from your browser. Sometimes you need to check those files and previewing them from RPG Maker is sometimes a nuisance. Now it is possible to do it without the hassle!

Windows version requires Windows Vista or later (Windows XP is not planned at all, it reached end-of-life support).

GNU/Linux version requires a FreeDesktop's Thumbnail Managing Standard compliant file manager (Nautilus, Nemo, Caja, etc.), ImageMagick's convert tool and shared-mime-info.

Utility on RMN tools

Windows source code
GNU/Linux source code

Check README files for installation instructions.

This tool will be submitted later to the RMN engine tools list. done by Ghabry

Note: this tool is pretty effective and might spoil you the game plot before playing it. Watch out when browsing game asset folders.

[RM2K3] RPG2kDEV help!

Try LMU2PNG but it is not an addon. Maybe some dynrpg and a system call can run it for you.