
On sunny days, I go out walking
Anyhow, you wanted citations. Training Day,

uhhh there was an overwhelmingly negative reaction from cuban-americans to scarface.

training day is a movie about a dirty cop that eventually gets killed because he keeps doing crimes. the moral of the movie is not how cool crime is, it's 'don't be bad or you will become dead.' it doesn't glamorize crime. it just depicts it. that's like saying photos of the ostfront glamorize russia under stalin.
the idea that movies are a significant factor in the populace committing crimes is ridiculous. socioeconomic factors are so many orders of magnitude more important as to render the influence of movies/tv/games meaningless.

I don't know what numbers you decided to hold high but not link to, but...

the ones I already linked? this doesn't matter. crime rates are lower than they have been in decades. the rate at which police officers feloniously killed in the US is also just getting lower. over 100 in 1996, ~50 in 2005, ~30 in 2013. if I was a cop, the threat of being killed would probably be the thing that I would be stressed out about, but it appears to not be an issue.
more fun, again http://www2.fbi.gov/ucr/05cius/data/table_01.html

the reason why so many cops are ‘out of control’ is because there is zero accountability due to police unions defending their actions, seemingly no matter how extreme, a lack of civilian community oversight boards, the militarization of the police, the for-profit prison system, and the criminalization of...being poor. not ufcking denzel washington and rap music.


the study done in rialto, california decreased complaints against officers by 88 percent and officers’ use of force by 60 percent in the twelve months it was conducted. as far as i know, having a camera on you doesn’t magically deter gang violence from existing, so the reason for these numbers must be something else.

or maybe there's something else stressing them out XD http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2011/06/201162114131825860.html

Everyone else just wants crucifixions. Primitive justice, wheeee.

well, i wouldnt want to crucify all cops 666 if you would stop equating black people with nazis!! or we could talk about things people have actually said.

On sunny days, I go out walking
double post. liberty's gonna put me on probation and make me take drug tests
Nah, just gonna agree that while we don't want to crucify, any actual lasting ramifications from killing unarmed, innocent people would be a good fucking idea. You know, to send a message to those cops who deliberately do the same thing over and over that shit won't be tolerated.

Oh, and about he public scrutiny thing? Less Kardashians, more pointing out ethics violations and kicking up a fuss when bullshit goes down would be nice. Instead of all the current "Move along, nothing to see here, look Kardashian ass, enjoy, cops killing kids? nope, none of that around here, no siree nelly! Oh look, some actress must be cheating on her husband because she went swimming with a male friend! shooting on the streets? don't be silly, we're not IRAQ OMG LOOK BOMBS AND TERRORISTS OH BOY IS IT GREAT TO BE FREE AND AMERICAN!!!! JUST IGNORE ANY SCREAMING YOU HEAR BACK THERE, NO PELTING INNOCENT CIVILIANS WITH TEAR GAS OR RUBBER BULLETS CHECK OUT BEYONCE'S NEW ALBULM!!!"

And yes, the media has a hell of a lot of blame in this in that they actively cover these stories up and divert attention from them where-ever possible. Then they go out of their way to paint the innocents as 'thugs' and 'deserving' in some way of what happened.
Just look at the differences between how they reported Mike Brown's death and how they reported the latest school shooting. (This is a race thing, though, and not new. They've always portrayed non-white people as bad, demonizing them at every opportunity. Black kid gets killed - suddenly it's all about how he was troubled in school and picked fights, as though that makes him or her worthy of being killed. But let a white boy shoot up a school and suddenly it's all 'he was so promising with such a bright future' and 'there must be a reason for him to have done this, he was such a good boy'. Hell, just the photos they show of them are completely different - the black kid always gets the 'gangta-ist' photo printed while the white kid has one that shows them dressed in the best with a huge grin. It's bullshit and the media should be held accountable as well.)

That said, the cops need to be held accountable most of all because they are fucking trained for this shit. They are not supposed to break their own fucking rules, which they are all taught and swore to abide by. Yes, they should be crucified when they deliberately do the wrong fucking thing. Just like everyone else is. Equality, mother fuckers, do you know of it? Because I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be something that America espouses as a fundamental right or some shit.

No, it's not hard to figure out that shooting someone from fuckton away who didn't have a weapon, choking a guy to death, chasing a car when told not to, shooting a person who had their back turned, covering up the deaths of key witnesses in a case (2 of Mike Brown's witnesses have been killed btw - something I'm sure a lot of people don't know), kidnapping and beating a young girl, beating someone who was in handcuffs while in jail then not giving first aid and allowing him to bleed for hours on end because he wanted photos documenting the state they left him in, shooting an old man then planting evidence of drugs in his house to 'give a legit reason', trying to cover up the shooting of a young child in their grandmother's home by falsely blaming the grandmother and many, many other examples... is the wrong fucking thing and against not only their own rules but the rules of a society that prides itself on freedom and equality (even if there is little truth in those claims).
On sunny days, I go out walking
I personally do not see the problem with Kim Kardashian's fat ass, Liberty.
It's not so much her ass that is a problem, just that celebrities and their lives are used as a distraction for the more important stories that should be focussed on.
It's like toothpicks against a tank

While I'm certainly not going to deny there are issues - look at who's already on the case. Obama, the Justice department, big media - they're on it. And they've convinced a lot of people to go rioting in the streets about it.

Of course, their rabble-rousing tactics do have the "unintended" consequence of causing even greater racial tension and mistrust.

Honestly with THAT much power behind the "cops are bad" side, you'll probably be fine. I don't think it's a big issue compared to the systematic cultural dismantling of western civilization.

It's not so much her ass that is a problem, just that celebrities and their lives are used as a distraction for the more important stories that should be focussed on.

Perhaps if the news was written on Kim's ass, people would pay attention.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
And Harmonic, you bring up another point I tried to make. We hear about all of this rioting, and in most cases, we're seeing the police drawing first blood.

Nashville, Tennessee's police force refuses arm against protests, operating under the theory that it's the people's constitutional right. NO RIOTS IN NASHVILLE! Gee, I wonder what's different there (sarcasm)?
It's like toothpicks against a tank
I remember you posting that conspiracy theory video that the police were actually behind all the fires in Ferguson.

Good stuff.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
I remember you posting that conspiracy theory video that the police were actually behind all the fires in Ferguson.

Good stuff.

The really upsetting thing is, we know police do insert themselves into protests and incite riots. It's a common tactic, they're caught from time to time, and are often praised. That video disturbs, because on the night of indictment, there were indeed a series of fires that were started away from the main protests, were heavily covered by the news media, and were highly coordinated. News agents heavily speculated at how organized the fires were. "I don't think the police expected this." I personally think it was the KKK and I even said to my family when we were watching the new reports of the fires. "The KKK are the ones doing this." Anonymous outed many of them as being Ferguson police officers, and even if no police were involved, the KKK can certainly get that kind of gear (it's not as if it's illegal to purchase and the KKK aren't exactly hurting for funds).
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
Training Day


This is a movie that so clearly presented Ethan Hawke as in the moral right and Denzel as morally in the wrong that I am pretty sure the vast majority even of black youth who saw this movie found themselves relating to the white cop and not the black crook-masquerading-as-cop. While Hawke is a white "pig" he is genuinely interested in doing the right thing and catching the bad guys whereas for all of his "jive" and "soul" Denzel's character is a despicable fucking parasite opportunistically preying upon the people of color in his community who clearly fucking despise him. Like I cannot imagine anyone regardless of demographic factors watching fucking Training Day and somehow walking away with "Denzel was a pretty cool guy, I relate to him".

Basically I know that my being a white guy might automatically cheapen this opinion to some but I think that you are underestimating the ability of poor and black audiences to see past bling and moolah to a movie's underlying moral message and authorial sympathies, especially. That you think poor black folks can't see past Denzel being awesome and having a cool gold necklace to the fact that Alonzo is clearly a fucking awful person who dies pitifully seems really condescending if nothing else.

And the fact that you mentioned Menace II Society as glorifying gang culture? Are you trolling, bro?

If you want to talk about the propaganda value of media/literature/film I can certainly recognize it. For instance the "virtuous upstanding cop" is a trope/character that is like omnipresent in crime movies but seems to exist less and less AT ALL in the real world. So that clearly has propagandistic value.

Police brutality is an issue yes. Yes there's corruption, yes the Eric Garner case was bullshit. And I've acknowledged this multiple times. I simply think it's a symptom, not a root cause.

Alright, let's talk about the root causes behind police brutality. I'd like to start listing some of them. Here are some of the ones that occur to me. Anyone who wants can challenge, add to, or expand upon these.

  • Cowardice and Fear masquerading as "self preservation". While as CAVE_DOG pointed out violent crime has actually gone DOWN in recent years, the perception from the perspective of police is that it has increased. Facts be damned, cops fully eat up the narrative that they are at "more risk than ever." This has lead to increased militarization in police tactics and gear and increased "us versus them mentality" among cops. Basically speaking, "get them before they get us" has become an accepted attitude for police tactics. And that is extremely fucked. It's as much missing the point as it is despicable. Police officer is an honorable, prestigious, and fairly well-paying profession because you are RISKING YOUR LIFE. If you act with extreme prejudice to kill anyone who might, potentially, if you squint, present a risk to your life, then you don't deserve that honor, prestige, or paycheck.
  • Racism. It is clear that on the state level, our judicial system values black and brown lives less than white lives. White cops kill black dude, no charges, keep their jobs. I read an article recently about a black cop that hit a white dude ON THE HAND with a baton. He was immediately fired and charged with assault. Violence against black people is socially accepted. That is fucked.
  • The police are so heavily armed and geared that for citizens to defend their lives with force when under unjust assault is completely impossible. The cops will always have more and better guns.
  • The judicial system is riddled with corruption and deeply broken. Prosecutors are extremely buddy-buddy with cops yet are ultimately the ones responsible for prosecuting them. Prosecuting your best friends, your bosom chums, the police is an obvious flagrant conflict of interest.
  • What I'm on the fence about listing as a root cause is stupid ass laws like on selling loosies (or fucking "illegal camping" for that matter) because they were involved in so few of the most problematic cases.

Obama, the Justice department, big media - they're on it. And they've convinced a lot of people to go rioting in the streets about it.

OH MY GOD THIS IS SUCH COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Obama has urged people NOT TO RIOT every single time he has spoken on the issue.

I don't think it's a big issue compared to the systematic cultural dismantling of western civilization.

By all means make a separate thread about that. I'm not being sarcastic. I am actually really curious what you mean by that, it just doesn't belong here.
You know, to send a message to those cops who deliberately do the same thing over and over that shit won't be tolerated.

Which brings us back to the original problem scenario. If you destroy a cop's career and life, his fellows will see that and be less likely to, yes, do stupid shit, but also to place themselves in any potentially dangerous situation at all. If all your years of service can be undone in a single heated moment then why take the risk? Stick to the speeding tickets, domestic disputes and traffic directing. When a call comes in, drive a little slower to the scene. Just gotta make it to year 20 for the pension. 30 if I get a desk job.

I agree, there are inexcusable situations of blatant and intended misuse of power. And the coverups that go along with them speak volumes to an institutional problem, much like pianotm's post regarding the cop being fired for not resorting to force. Within the Law Enforcement system, there is a very serious cognitive cancer. So what are we to do about that?

Training Day

Honestly, any more time spent on this subject is a waste. Based on your replies, I have absolutely zero confidence that you'll ever 'get it'. It's like, if you were asked to do an essay about the values expressed in Disney's Sleeping Beauty, you would come back with "good vs evil" and that's it.

Otherwise, look at the community Alonzo lives in, not Alonzo himself.


This was a metaphor, you know.
Crucifixion (no, I'm not talking about Jesus... or nazis(?)) was considered the harshest form of punishment in it's time. The act was abhorrent, even by society's values back then, but still done anyway because it was an expression of how severe the crime was considered. Wishing crucifixion on someone would be like wishing death by fire or torture now.
Ergo, I was pointing out that all you're interested in is punishing the offending police officers, like how after 9/11, everyone wanted to punish those Palestinians who were dancing in the streets. Just a reactionary hankering to avenge some distant hurt of yours.
On sunny days, I go out walking
Otherwise, look at the community Alonzo lives in, not Alonzo himself.

hoo boy, talk about glamorous!

Ergo, I was pointing out that all you're interested in is punishing the offending police officers, like how after 9/11, everyone wanted to punish those Palestinians who were dancing in the streets. Just a reactionary hankering to avenge some distant hurt of yours.

well if you're going to make up others' responses for them then i am too. you're wrong, we should NOT eat human children for sport.
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
a "heated moment" where an unarmed teenage boy (that had a whole life ahead of him) was killed in cold blood for practically nothing versus a middle-aged police officer (with weapons, backup, and various methods of properly handling the situation) who said he would kill again if he had to. darren wilson got a lot of money from his supporters and will likely be living a very comfortable life. don't you worry your pretty little mind about him

no police officer is the arbiter that decides life or death for another person unless the person is posing imminent and/or great danger to others

darren wilson's "bruises" (aka the very minor abrasions darren wilson would've likely inflicted on himself, since he had both the time and support from the abhorrent investigation to do so. i mean it looks like rosacea to me...) are still not enough for him to kill anyone

i've never been done wrong by police officers and respect them for their work in a difficult and risky profession, but in the end the brutality and misconduct needs to stop. of course it isn't likely to completely go away ever, but that isn't an excuse
It's like toothpicks against a tank
author=Max McGee
OH MY GOD THIS IS SUCH COMPLETE BULLSHIT. Obama has urged people NOT TO RIOT every single time he has spoken on the issue.

Can you imagine the alternative? The US President giving a public directive to riot? It's more about him being a participant in the government machine that creates this circumstances.

Getting involved publicly in specific cases that the media has hyped up, for example - telling us that "Trayvon would look like his son" - ridiculously irresponsible and overstepping of his bounds in his current role. It just stirs people up unnecessarily.
On the movie subject, Boonie and Clyde (1967) would be an example of a film that glorifies crime.

Anyway, the Justice Department is allegedly bringing an end to racial profiling. They've already posted the new guidelines.

Getting involved publicly in specific cases that the media has hyped up, for example - telling us that "Trayvon would look like his son" - ridiculously irresponsible and overstepping of his bounds in his current role. It just stirs people up unnecessarily.

You seem to be correct on that observation, harmonic. Provided his interjection on these matters are intentional, what is the president's motive?
It's like toothpicks against a tank
You seem to be correct on that observation, harmonic. Provided his interjection on these matters are intentional, what is the president's motive?

Eh, I think he just wanted to hear himself talk on the subject. Nothing deliberately sinister, but I think he should not be so cavalier with his words - which are arguably the most "heard" words of any human being on the planet.
Max McGee
with sorrow down past the fence
@Dyhalto: Your frothing spume of crazy is negatively impacting my quality of life so I'm gonna go ahead and close off that valve. Welcome to my ignore list dawg.


Trayvon would have looked like Obama's son. There's nothing irresponsible about saying that. This country is being victimized by a racist and just generally out of control police force. People should be angry and people should be aggressively lobbying for change. Neither of those things directly equate to rioting in the streets. But then again I would not even say I am necessarily opposed to a violent uprising against the system when the system is this broken and corrupt. I mean honestly, fuck the establishment at this point. I can understand people being mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore.

Anyway, almost all media coverage I've seen (mostly around the internet) has indicated that the majority of protests have been peaceful except where the riot cops have escalated things to violence. Certainly the NYC protests have been peaceful. And the property destruction and fires in Ferguson were most likely opportunistic looters using the riots as cover for their crimes, not ordinary people lashing out for ideological reasons.
a "heated moment" where an unarmed teenage boy (that had a whole life ahead of him) was killed in cold blood for practically nothing versus a middle-aged police officer (with weapons, backup, and various methods of properly handling the situation) who said he would kill again if he had to.
Do we know all the events leading up to the incident? Maybe Mike Brown had threatened Darren or his family earlier that week. Maybe Darren had been in a life threatening situation recently and was still shook up from it. Something obviously rattled him, because he put six bullets into the kid. Not quite your average police brutality or overstep incident.
Personally, I think that boy needs a psych evaluation with the results determining whether he needs to be removed from the force.
As for jail time and pension repealing... what for? So other people can feel good? Discharge and debarment from law enforcement will suffice.

Anyhow, we can talk case-by-case until we're old and grey. My point was to get away from this short-sighted 'kill the bastard' mentality and start looking at and discussing the obvious systemic problems.

hoo boy, talk about glamorous!
A close knit, literally gated community where everyone's got each other's back. Me and my bros vs the world, in an informal way. There IS a certain glamour to it, actually.

Setting that aside, my "stressed out" case was pretty much nixed by your post at the top of this page. Kudos.
Maybe I AM giving the police too much benefit of the doubt.

author=Max McGee
Welcome to my ignore list dawg.
Oh, okay. Now nobody's feelings will be hurt if I call you well-read and articulate, but naive, impetuous and abrasive : The very epitome of modern Leftists.
"It's frustrating because - as much as Corf is otherwise an irredeemable person - his 2k/3 mapping is on point." ~ psy_wombats
As for jail time and pension repealing... what for? So other people can feel good? Discharge and debarment from law enforcement will suffice.

He's already left "for the sake of public health". He's also getting money thrown at him by supporters.

naive, impetuous and abrasive : The very epitome of modern Leftists.

Right-wingers really need to step away from their bibles long enough to clean their mirrors.
Circumstance penalty for being the bard.
Please let's not let this thread spiral into political sniping.