RPG Maker VX Ace

Lets users set some states to make their owners share some stats together

  • DoubleX
  • 08/07/2015 02:58 PM
Games using this script
None so far

#  * State Notetags:                                                           |
#    1. <linked battlers: lbcx, lbsx, lbwx>                                    |
#       - Sets the owners of this state meeting lbcx to share stats included in|
#         lbsx with weight lbwx applied to each of them when any included stat |
#         of any included battler changes                                      |
#       - Only the 1st applicable notetag of the state with the highest        |
#         priority will be applied to the stat change of the linked battler    |
#       - If a linked battler can't take all of that battler's share due to    |
#         hitting the minimum or maximum stat value, thost not being taken by  |
#         that battler will be shared by the rest of the linked battlers also  |
#       - The battler having a stat to be changed is the last linked battler   |
#         taking that battler's share                                          |
#       - lbcx can be set in Linked Battler Condition Notetag Values           |
#       - lbsx can be set in Linked Battler Stat Notetag Values                |
#       - lbwx can be set in Linked Battler Weight Notetag Values              |

    #  Linked Battler Condition Notetag Values                                 |
    #  - Setups lbcx used by <linked battlers: lbcx, lbsx, lbwx>               |
    # lbcx are read at:
    # 1. RPG::State
    #    - @linked_battlers << [$1.downcase.to_sym, $2.downcase.to_sym, 
    #      $3.downcase.to_sym] in load_linked_battlers_notes
    # lbcx are used at:
    # 1. Game_BattlerBase
    #    - mem.state?(state_id) && lb.send(cond, mem, self) in
    #      get_linked_battlers
    # lbcx are strings of names of methods under DoubleX_RMVXA::Linked_Battlers
    # lbcx names can only use alphanumeric characters and can't use uppercase
    # letters
    # The battler having a stat to be changed can be referenced by target
    # Each of the rest of the linked battlers can be referenced by battler
    # The below lbcx are examples added to help you set your lbcx
    # You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples

    # Sets the linked battler condition to include all linked battlers
    def self.lbc1(battler, target)

    # Sets the linked battler condition to include all and no linked battlers if
    # switch with id x is on and off respectively
    def self.lbc2(battler, target)

    # Sets the linked battler condition to include all linked battlers that are
    # opponents of the battler having a stat to be changed
    def self.lbc3(battler, target)

    # Adds new lbcx here

    #  Linked Battler Stat Notetag Values                                      |
    #  - Setups lbsx used by <linked battlers: lbcx, lbsx, lbwx>               |
    # lbsx are read at:
    # 1. RPG::State
    #    - @linked_battlers << [$1.downcase.to_sym, $2.downcase.to_sym, 
    #      $3.downcase.to_sym] in load_linked_battlers_notes
    # lbsx are used at:
    # 1. Game_BattlerBase
    #    - return [l_b, state_id] if lb.send(l_b[1], self).include?(stat) in
    #      linked_battler_state_id
    # lbsx are strings of names of methods under DoubleX_RMVXA::Linked_Battlers
    # lbsx names can only use alphanumeric characters and can't use uppercase
    # letters
    # The battler having a stat to be changed can be referenced by battler
    # It must return an array, which should include strings of a getter method
    # of each stat to be included
    # The below lbsx are examples added to help you set your lbsx
    # You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples

    # Sets the linked battler stat to include hp, mp and tp
    def self.lbs1(battler)
      ["hp", "mp", "tp"]

    # Sets the linked battler stat to always include hp and mp, and include tp
    # only if it's displayed in battle
    def self.lbs2(battler)
      ["hp", "mp", $data_system.opt_display_tp ? "tp" : nil]

    # Sets the linked battler stat to include nothing
    def self.lbs3(battler)

    # Adds new lbsx here

    #  Linked Battler Weight Notetag Values                                    |
    #  - Setups lbwx used by <linked battlers: lbcx, lbsx, lbwx>               |
    # lbwx are read at:
    # 1. RPG::State
    #    - @linked_battlers << [$1.downcase.to_sym, $2.downcase.to_sym, 
    #      $3.downcase.to_sym] in load_linked_battlers_notes
    # lbwx are used in methods included in LINKED_STAT
    # lbwx are strings of names of methods under DoubleX_RMVXA::Linked_Battlers
    # lbwx names can only use alphanumeric characters and can't use uppercase
    # letters
    # It must return a real number
    # The battler having a stat to be changed can be referenced by target
    # Each of the rest of the linked battlers can be referenced by battler
    # The below lbwx are examples added to help you set your lbwx
    # You can freely use, rewrite and/or delete these examples

    # Sets the linked battler weight to be the same for all linked battlers
    def self.lbw1(battler, target)

    # Sets the linked battler weight to be multiplied by x if the linked battler
    # is the one having a stat to be changed
    def self.lbw2(battler, target)
      battler == target ? x : 1

    # Sets the linked battler weight to be 0 for all linked battlers
    def self.lbw3(battler, target)

    # Adds new lbwx here

    # Sets the battler methods to be used by linked battlers
    # Its keys must be the battler stat getter method string
    # Its values must be an array containing the battler stat setter method,
    # its argument list, the one being modified, and the minimum and maximum
    # value of that battler stat of each linked battler
    # The methods returning those minimum and maximum values must be referenced
    # by battler
    # Methods with name method_name will be aliased to
    # linked_battlers_method_name

      # General form:
      # [:def_class, :super_class] => {
      #   "getter" => ["setter", "args", "mod arg", "stat_min", "stat_max"]
      # }

      [:Game_BattlerBase] => {
        # General form: 
        # "getter" => ["setter", "args", "mod arg", "stat_min", "stat_max"]
        "hp" => ["hp=", "hp", "hp", "0", "battler.mhp"],
        "mp" => ["mp=", "mp", "mp", "0", "battler.mmp"],
        "tp" => ["tp=", "tp", "tp", "0", "battler.max_tp"]
        # Adds new methods here

      # Adds new classes here


Compatibility Fix
Coming Soon

1. Some RGSS3 scripting proficiency to fully utilize this script

Terms Of Use
You shall keep this script's Script Info part's contents intact
You shalln't claim that this script is written by anyone other than DoubleX or his aliases
None of the above applies to DoubleX or his/her aliases

Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between Materials and Main. Save to take effect.

None so far



#    v1.00b(GMT 0400 8-11-2015):                                               |
#    1. Notetag values are now symbols of methods in the configuration regions |
#    2. This script doesn't need DoubleX RMVXA Linked Battlers Compatibility to|
#       be compatible with all its addressed scripts                           |
#    3. Further improved this script's compatibility, efficiency and simplicity|
#    v1.00a(GMT 1500 7-8-2015):                                                |
#    1. 1st version of this script finished                                    |