RPG Maker VX Ace

Reflect skills based on their elements.

  • YF
  • 12/15/2011 08:49 PM

The ability to reflect magic attacks already exists in RPG Maker VX Ace by default. However, the ability to reflect skills based on their element type does not exist. This script adds the ability to reflect skills back to the caster if the skill is a particular element type and provides a percent bonus to reflect it back at, too.

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These notetags can be added to Actors, Classes, Weapons, Armours, Enemies, and States.

<element reflect x: +y%>
<element reflect x: -y%>

This tag causes the element x to reflect at a bonus y% rate. The reflect rate only applies if element x is involved with the skill used. To reflect more than one type of element, use multiple of this tag.


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