
Thanks guys! I'll try to have a new demo with 4-5 hours of gameplay soon. :)
looking forward to it man, it actually looks good and original. one question about that amphitheatre though, how can the people on outer rings see the action?

(incidentally it's generally spelled Colosseum after the colossal statue outside but that term refers solely to the amphitheatre in Rome! i will let you off since we are in fantasy worlds)
Yeah, well to be honest, I didn't look too much into antique history to name it, it would really be an anphiteatre, but I think naming it THE colisseum sounds cooler (and we all know that cooler beats all kinds of logical reasoning in videogames)
the place is built like a stairs, so each outer ring is upper than the inner one, maybe you can't tell by the screenshot, but in game you can see the lower part of it, and that solves the perspective issues :D
It really is!

Great work, Cray
I'm not comfortable with any idea that can't be expressed in the form of men's jewelry
Cray it has been years hurry and finish this.
I wish it was that easy WIP, I still have lots more of things to do, but I'm working on it :)
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
That frontend is sooooo much nicer than the one I played.
I'm not comfortable with any idea that can't be expressed in the form of men's jewelry
I like those windows, SD. A few suggestions:

Use a different style of border for the command icons.
Make the gauges under the combatants also a different style.
SDHawk, I like the style in your screenshot there, but that background looks pretty awful. maybe something more colorful or smooth?
Also, I'm not quite sure if I like the hero. It doesn't really match the backround or the other graphics. Maybe it's the fact that it's colorless.
SDHawk, that dancing bird is very cool. But definitely rework the background, possibly to be as cool as the bird. And rework the hero, possibly to be as cool as the bird.

Here's my latest gameplay video:

That's a lot of enemies! It's very cool, though.
Developer, Starless Umbra / Heroes of Umbra
Last screens for a while, sorry to spam so much of them, but I'm finnaly getting to the interesting parts in my game, the parts that I wanted to do when I first started with it, years ago. This is an important boss fight, you fight against the demon of the moon, Lune. He's one of the 3 demons that follow you for most of the game, and after a while he joins your party. You fight on top of the colisseum, which explains the background.


You are still working on this game? I played it a few years back and I absolutely loved it! Great screenshots.

I might have posted this before, but I just wanted to share a little WIP refmap edit.
Most of it looks quite nice DHM, but I don't like the tall grass, looks a little too dark. Plus the door on the inn looks too way small. I think the regular sized REFMAP door is the perfect size (unless everyone else thinks it's fine, but it doesn't look right to me.)
The door looks a little short, but nothing else really. Yeah you might want to lighten up that grass, and also fix the fence as its blending too well with the grass.

Nice environment though, liking the colors.
The map is a tiny bit blocky, but I like the edits themselves. It's quite the task to water down the BRIGHT CHEERINESS that is pretty much inherent in every single Refmap tileset, but you've managed to do that reasonably well. =]
Developer, Starless Umbra / Heroes of Umbra
Thanks all for the feedback. Regarding the doors, they are refmap. I do think I've made the buildings a bit too tall though. That might help balance things out.

I hadn't noticed when I used the fill, but it looks like I did get some of the fence on accident. Like the sprites, refmap can be tricky but from the feedback I've gathered I can make it look better. Thanks again.
Yeah kentona, it's hard to stop myself from PLACING ENEMIES EVERYWHERE. I'll try to calm down for some future dungeons

Also, I got one reply in a day while dragonheartman got 3 in an hour. Oh where did I go so horribly, horribly wrong?