
CHECK IN Time! Submit and image of something youve been working on for this and if possible, leave a link on the pic to your games page. Check in time will last until the 28th at Midnight GMT. after that, you'll get no credit for check in. Entries must be submitted and not just posted for credit.

The theme: Inspiration! What has inspired you to makes games, or creative stuff for the matter? Make a game based off of what has inspired people in your team!

I'm sure many of you have wished to work with someone new, especially someone well known and respected, or maybe just someone who's gotten your attention and appreciation of their work. Perhaps you aren't well known but would like to meet and collaborate with some people, show what you got? Are you just looking for something a little different? While not all of these can be promised, it would be nice to be able to do some of these, yes? I give you, McBacon Jam.

Here are the basics this time around:
  • Any engine is fine.
  • No restrictions on resources used. Also, as last time, and as it stands, commissioning an outsider is fine so long as it isn't that much work and doesn't effect the team dynamic.
  • This event will run from (August)3/10/2017 to (September)4/19/2017
  • I will announce a theme on the 10th; that is when your team can officially begin, as last time.
  • Team sizes must be a minimum of 2 with a maximum of 4 (remember, this is about collaborations). Solo entries will not be accepted for this.
  • If you already have a team decided, be sure all members join said team.
  • Team setups cannot be the exact same as they were in McBacon Jam #1 & #2. Each new jam means different team arrangements!
  • If bizarre circumstances occur or if you're having some team issues, let me know and I will take care of things accordingly.
  • you may adjust your teams as needed for whatever reason before the first check in without it effecting whether or not you can use that team in the future. However, if the people leaving did add something to the game being made, they should at least be given a special thanks, as a courtesy.


Bacon 3rd Support! : Given to those who have helped me with stuff related to the event. (10 points)

Bacon 3rd Check in! : Given to those who check in when check in is announced. (Check in is to show off progress at a certain point and get a bonus for it). (25 points)

Bacon 3rd Complete! : Given to team that have something remotely playable when the even ends, or something reall good to show at least. (50 points)

Special thanks to:
Archeia_Nessiah for the advice and countless other things.
Kloe for the art and support
Liberty for the admin side stuff


  • 08/01/2016 12:00 AM
  • 09/05/2016 11:59 PM
  • 4



You must be logged in to sign up for McBacon Jam 3.

Teams Members Entry
Ziggys 3rd batch
Piano's Quartet
Let's Pretend to Make a Game
Unity = Miracle- Team
Team Beefcakes
Might be Magic?
Team Riddlers
I have no idea what I am doing.
I'm a noob, anyway I will make a game
CroosForge Team
The C-Team
We just wanna make a game
watch me fail
Entry Status Key
  • - Pending
  • - Validating
  • - Accepted
  • - Rejected


All of our actual progress has gone into making slackbot respond to the question "What does Frogge want?" with startling accuracy.

The answer is robo penis
The most beautiful user on RMN!

I'll be very interested to see that tactics game when it's released. You guys can expect a review from me if it gets finished.
I feel bored. How odd.
All of our actual progress has gone into making slackbot respond to the question "What does Frogge want?" with startling accuracy.

The answer is robo penis

Guardian of the Description Thread
I'll be very interested to see that tactics game when it's released. You guys can expect a review from me if it gets finished.

See, that's the most ironic thing to me. I was on the verge of giving up on my other tactics game, and wasn't exactly enthused with working with GTBS again. Yet, here I am.
The most beautiful user on RMN!

The screen shots and menu look promising. If the game play can match that you'll have a clear winner. GTBS, unfortunately has a way of sucking your soul dry and spitting it out as a dried out prune about to be picked by an elderly grandmother who hasn't gone to the bathroom for many hours.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Everybody's making progress reports for some reason, so team Riddlers can't stay behind!

We've already got some sweet graphics, courtesy of zDS:

And some puzzle mechanics, many of which are working already, courtesy of Cash and myself. Cash has done an awesome job implementing them:

We're really happy with our progress so far! We're aiming for over 100 puzzles though, so we still have a long way to go!
Team Riddlers is like a big pouch of water. We poked it and the ideas began flowing out. The water is still flowing strong.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Piano's Quartet was a hotspring of ideas. Then it was time to put them into action, and now we're making progress on a gorgeous game with entirely hand drawn parallaxes.
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
Piano's Quartet was a hotspring of ideas. Then it was time to put them into action, and now we're making progress on a gorgeous game with entirely hand drawn parallaxes.

The TM is for Totally Magical.
Fine. I wanted to wait until the progress report, but whatever.

Here's the full map.

I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
Everyone is using custom graphics. I wasn't expecting that :D
Future Ruler of Gam Mak
Everyone is using custom graphics. I wasn't expecting that :D

I'm was just as surprised when I joined my team Frogge. I actually thought to myself for a moment: "What am I doing here, this is way out of my league!" But I've calmed down since then.
I feel bored. How odd.
I'm still pretty much useless, though, I've helped a little bit.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
You are not useless!

EVERYBODY! oddRABBIT's drawings have become our enemy battlers, he came up with the concept for our battle system, and now he's writing our dialogue!
I feel bored. How odd.
Why are you advertising this?

Sorry if that had a negative tone to it. I realize it's probably a rude statement, or at least, phrased rudely.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Why are you advertising this?

Sorry if that had a negative tone to it. I realize it's probably a rude statement, or at least, phrased rudely.

Why not? He's giving you a compliment. Who knows, you might become famous! ;P
I feel bored. How odd.
I doubt it. I'm really not good at all three of those things Piano mentioned.
Got any Dexreth amulets?
What's wrong with someone openly praising you for what you've contributed to your team's efforts? Why do you insist on constantly criticising and insulting yourself for no reason whatsoever? Is it really so hard to accept that people think you're actually a great guy who's done great work on behalf of his team? Please, please just try to understand that nobody here wants you to be unhappy. And you shouldn't, either.