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Dream a Dream or Make One

Maker of Dreams is a simulation of making games. The base concept is that you quit your job to become a full-time indie game developer, and have sixty days to make an RPG Maker title that will earn $10,000 or more. It sounds simple but there's a surprising amount of depth here.

90% of your time is spent at the computer, and that's it. Game development gets done there. There are few activities that don't require the PC, and most of them increase your core statistics, such as the guitar for Music skill, writing in the notebook for Writing, etc. You can also visit a shop to spend money earned on commissions to help your game out.

It's a fairly intricate system, and I had a lot of fun messing around, experimenting with ways to get my stats higher and higher. A full run takes maybe three hours, and the game has multiple endings based on your final performance.

Maker of Dreams is a quaint little game that has some quirks to it, and is fun for a short look into what goes on behind the scenes.


Pages: 1
Hi SquallStorm. I know it's a bit late, but thanks for the review. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Pages: 1