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The curse of the Mummy

  • Shinan
  • 10/30/2009 08:46 AM
A game made by the guy who made Biggles on Mars! I didn't notice it first but when I started up the game it was pretty apparent. I had some criticisms of Biggles on Mars, mostly about the control system and they've all carried over to this game.

It's mostly that I'm used to having a dedicated move button rather than grouping interact and move to the same mouse click. That way you can occasionally want to move somehwere but instead it interacts with an object that was where you clicked.

The graphics are great. Though I have to admit that they look better in the screenshots than in the actual game. I guess it's a bit hard on a one-day budget to really make any sort of animations but I wouldn't have minded a bit more in that department. The hand-drawn style is something I really like and if it had animations to go with this would be a top-class game. Of course it doesn't have animations so it looks like something someone cooked up in a day. (which it apparently is)

The music is one of the strongest points in the game. It fits very well with the rest of the game though it also makes the game pretty damn huge I think. Still what don't you give for a bit of good music?

It seems I've completely overlooked what the game's about. It's an adventure game. And you're out on a righteous mission from God. Or something very similar to that. You need to defeat the DA Mummy that want to become mayor. And what other way is there to do that than by slandering the candidate?

The writing in this game is good. It's what holds the game together and it's always enjoyable and fun to read. The puzzles aspects of the gameplay are not too hard and it follows the ancient adventure game rule of "let the player have multiple tasks that need doing so they'll succeed in at least one". Most of the solutions feel organic and there's not a whole lot of trial-and-error going on. You might say that it makes the game too easy but it also hides it well enough to make the player feel smart. The game doesn't outright say "hmm. I should put THIS ITEM here" instead it's a subtle hint where the player goes. "OBIOVUSLY. That's how I'm supposed to do it!"

Alright perhaps it isn't that good. Few adventure games ever get that good. But it avoids the most obvious of traps.

All in all the game is enjoyable though the controls are a bit off (from the Biggles heritage) and the grapchis could use more animations. But if those aren't issues then this game shouldn't be difficult to enjoy.


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Thanks for the review man! Also re. the controls, did you ever play Paul Moose In Space World (http://gamejolt.com/freeware/games/adventure/paul-moose-in-space-world/675/)? I actually used your point about the dedicated move button by having leftclick move and rightclick open a verb coin in that one, but it felt kinda clunky to me. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it though!
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