Called Heaven by some, Home of the Gods by others, but in realty its just a place where
Time doesn’t exist, inside this realm reside the Drasils, The creators and protectors of life, but
even gods must obey the laws of nature.
On the Planet named Nerthus lived the Huve's, Ãlfar's & the Svartálfar's, But before they came into existence two other races
claimed rule over Nerthus, they where known as the Æsir & Vanir, One worshipped there creator with a zealous passion while
the other created technological marvels. This created a divide between them, until the Æsir assassinated the Vanirian Hive
Queen and labelled the Vanirian race as Heretics. This sparked a global war in which every intelligent race was dragged into, though
in the end both the Æsir & Vanir went extinct a new species arrived, in the conflict that claimed there lives a small group on both sides
broke away from the war and came together, it was though this union that the Huves came to be, The last remaining evidence of there
existence, and a defiance to there creators will, to Yggdrasils will.
Shortly after the mass extinction of the Æsir & Vanir the Huve's number exploded and, much like there ancestors, they spread
out and populated all the known lands of Nerthus, and soon they to stapled there domenence over Nerthus.
Out of all these settlements four rose to become the greatest cites ever build, they were Ronagradia, Morgrizen, Poxas and
Arcados, The first two called the western continent known as Orcainium home while the last two called the eastern continent
called Alixiden home.
It wasn't long until the Ãlfar and Huve's struck an unbreakable alliance with each other and for some time Nerthus had peace,
But just like there ancestors the Huve’s started conflicts with one another, these started out small but
lead to large scale wars. Seeing this Yggdrasil made the decision to reset Nerthus and eradicate the Huve’s who she deemed
a mistake and a plague on her world, but she underestimated her creations, knowing of there impending
doom a group comprising of many species, who were lead by the Mortal Gods who where created by Yggdrasil as guardians of
Nerthus, entered Asgard and stopped the threat, how they did this is unknown but they succeeded in their
goal, Nerthus was safe and there malevolent creator was shut out forever... or so they thought.