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Concerning the Future

Never thought I'd ever make a blog on a video game project, but, by God, it's happening!

Anyway, my exams are finally over which means I have three months of nothing to look forward to (...well, besides looking for a summer job...and driving lessons...and a citizenship test..wonderful). Guess I should be working on Character, right? I'm not too sure, actually.

For better or for worse, my 1st year of studying Chemical Engineering has been a disaster (I am still kicking myself for not thinking things through during the application process. I was WAY too interested in university life, which hasn't even been that great to be honest! Go me.). As a result I am 99% sure of transferring to a different university next year...for Computer Science. Hurray! (..or not, seeing as it's quite a fall-from-grace, dropping out of a top 10 world uni. ...meh, I'll get over it. I hope.)

Obviously this means that a career in the video games industry is a very viable (and certainly very interesting!) option. As a result I'm probably going to take amateur game making a lot more seriously, and thus I'm not too sure about using an antiquated development program such as RPG Maker 2000 anymore.

So, what now? I guess I could wait until my exams come out on the 8th of July to be 100% certain of my destination in October, but there's still quite a bit of time left and I'd rather not waste a minute. I think it'd be a better idea to revisit programming so I'm probably going to be messing around with Python alot. If, as I predict, I get shitty results I'm going to switch to either XP or VX (most likely the former, due to graphical issues) so I can utilise RGSS (I might even go a completely different direction and instead opt for creating smaller non-RPGs. Something to think about). On the other hand, if I decide to stay at my current uni (either through fear of looking like a failure or getting incredible exam results - looking increasingly unlikely by the day, honestly), I'll keep RPG Maker as a hobby and continue using 2k because, well, it's just so much easier.

Either way, my original idea for Character's going to get a HUGE makeover, at least in terms of gameplay. I'm quite keen on designing a unique battle system, either by massively spicing up the DBS (in 2k's case) or creating one from scratch (in VX/XP's case). Only time will tell which path I take...here's hoping it all works out.

P.S. If there are any budding Python programmers out there (or any programmers, really), How to Think Like a Computer Scientist is proving to be a great read. Recommend it wholeheartedly.
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