This is the best place to report any bugs found with the game. Please use this page to report any bugs, grammatical/spelling errors and anything else that you may find important to bring to my attention. When reporting bugs, it is best to be as detailed as possible so that it can be corrected much faster and a fix being uploaded ASAP.
If you wouldn't mind when reporting your bug, please use the following form:
Location of Bug:
Did you verify you are using an up to date version?(Yes or No):
What you were doing when the Bug occurred:
If it is grammatical or spelling, please point out the line of dialog:
If you wouldn't mind when reporting your bug, please use the following form:
Location of Bug:
Did you verify you are using an up to date version?(Yes or No):
What you were doing when the Bug occurred:
If it is grammatical or spelling, please point out the line of dialog: