By Spirit Young 2012
So this is my first walkthrough ever . . . I figured I'd practice up on my skills and write about my shortest RPG Maker game ever made called Grissan (named after the buck wild hero). So let's get down to it! Yee-haw! Keep in mind that I only did wrote about the first two areas (out of six). This game is so easy that you really won't need much help. This is just a starters guide more than a walkthrough.
The Cast
Grissan: Main character and kick ass stud! He follows the strange ghost on his latest (and perhaps final) coked up adventure of his gaming career! He gains four guns in the game that include;
Hand Gun of Fun: 100 damage, uses 1 bullet.
Claw Gun: 150 damage, uses 2 bullets.
Shadow Gun: 100 damage to all enemies, uses 3 bullets.
God Damn Mini Gun: 300 damage, uses 6 bullets.
The Ghost: Warns Grissan about an evil lurking around and wants to kill Grissan! So the plan is to beat the evil at its own game!
Travis MacTosh: A 'special' person who acts as the merchant of this amazing story!
John 'Whiskers' Taylor: A simple farmer who had the bad luck of raising a mutated cow!
Peter Glaze: Known simply as 'the punk.' He'll help those who are nice to him.
Marybell Rose Marie Brooks: A captive in the Deity's lair. She lives by the good book!
Apple Clove: A creepy little girl that sells stuff in Deity's lair.
Bruce 'Rodrim' Stone: A bad guy who was turned over to the feds by our hero Grissan!
The Deity: The evil creature whom wants to see Grissan deader than $hit!
The Items
Marching Powder: Restores 50 HP!
Hero's Crank: Restores ALL HP! Whoop whoop!
Box o' Bullets: Reloads your ammo to the max!
Blood Ball: Use this to damage an enemy with 200 magical damage.
Death Card: Will kill any minor enemy!
Canned Stew: This will hit an enemy HARD! Great for bosses.
Crazy Barrel: A weapon with 20 attack power.
Wooden Box: A weapon with 30 attack power.
Car Tire: A weapon with 40 attack power.
Pot Plant: A weapon with 50 attack power.
Leather Vest: Does nothing.
Black Jacket: Raises your guard by 5.
Armored Coat: Raises your guard by 10.
Cowboy Hat: Does nothing.
Trucker Hat: Raises your guard by 5.
Black Felt: Raises your guard by 10.
Goblin Charm: Protects against creature attacks.
Holy Amulet: Protects against undead attacks.
Voodoo Doll: Protects against magical attacks.
Holy Cross: Protects agains human attacks.
Monster Bible: Use this at camp to read up on ememies!
The rest of the items Grissan finds are enemy spoils that you can sell for cash! I'm lazy so I'm ending the list here. Sorry ya'll!
The Game
Okay! This first level is easy and should be a cakewalk! After a very well and thought out cutscene you will be invited to your first battle! Three dead arms will come at you and attack! However, they are so weak that you can attack them by throwing $hit to save up on your ammo! They may drop marching mowders and human fingers! Yay.
After every fight Grissan's health automatically refills, so don't worry about healing. So after you must fight again! This time agains two dead arms and a dead alive! Shoot the dead alive for a one hit kill and proceed. Note: if the dead alive is the last monster standing he may lose turns for being confused. You may get a zombie foot for your troubles!
Next is your first boss fight, the big bastard crab! Very easy if you do it right! Shoot him seven times and he will be declaired dead! After the fourth shot he'll eat your ammo, so just reload with a Box 'o Bullets and you should be fine. You may have to heal once. You will earn a crab brain for your troubles! Alright! You beat the first area!
Each time you beat a level you get a chance to save your game and read about monsters at a campsite. You can also hunt monsters to gain some items (you may not even have to do this). The first camp fight is a dead arm and a dead alive. The second camp fight is two dead arms.
First thing that happens is you are greeted by Travis. If you buy from him you'll be able to sell your spoils, buy items, some armor and a new weapon! If you leave him in peace you will trip over a box and find three marching powders. If you punch him in the face you'll be forced to fight two sand traps! They drop scorpion fluids and are easier to kill with your gun. The choice is yours!
After all that noise you get a second battle in your face! Two dead arms and a sand trap. Kill 'em fast and continue on!
Now you meet Whiskers and he wants you to kill his mutated cow. Ask for money and he will leave you alone. Tell him to fu-k off and his screaming will summon three sabre hairs who are weak against normal attack. They will drop sabre tooths. Offer to help and Whiskers will hand you the mini gun! Then you'll fight the next boss, Fillet Minion. With three shots from the mini gun this cow will turn into hamburger! Keep in mind that you may get poisoned but you shouldn't have any real problems with this fight. The poor thing will drop a cow pie for your efforts!
So whatever you decided (you get the chaingun later if you missed out on the boss fight) the sun goes down and you have one more fight before the level is over. Two sand traps and a sabre hair. Oh no! How will you ever win?! Don't worry, you will!
The Conclusion
That should be more than enough information to get a new player started! Overall, this game is simple and shouldn't take more than an hour to beat! I hope this guide was sorta useful or if it was just simpky a good read; I plan on making more walkthroughs when I get the time! Later.
By Spirit Young 2012
So this is my first walkthrough ever . . . I figured I'd practice up on my skills and write about my shortest RPG Maker game ever made called Grissan (named after the buck wild hero). So let's get down to it! Yee-haw! Keep in mind that I only did wrote about the first two areas (out of six). This game is so easy that you really won't need much help. This is just a starters guide more than a walkthrough.
The Cast
Grissan: Main character and kick ass stud! He follows the strange ghost on his latest (and perhaps final) coked up adventure of his gaming career! He gains four guns in the game that include;
Hand Gun of Fun: 100 damage, uses 1 bullet.
Claw Gun: 150 damage, uses 2 bullets.
Shadow Gun: 100 damage to all enemies, uses 3 bullets.
God Damn Mini Gun: 300 damage, uses 6 bullets.
The Ghost: Warns Grissan about an evil lurking around and wants to kill Grissan! So the plan is to beat the evil at its own game!
Travis MacTosh: A 'special' person who acts as the merchant of this amazing story!
John 'Whiskers' Taylor: A simple farmer who had the bad luck of raising a mutated cow!
Peter Glaze: Known simply as 'the punk.' He'll help those who are nice to him.
Marybell Rose Marie Brooks: A captive in the Deity's lair. She lives by the good book!
Apple Clove: A creepy little girl that sells stuff in Deity's lair.
Bruce 'Rodrim' Stone: A bad guy who was turned over to the feds by our hero Grissan!
The Deity: The evil creature whom wants to see Grissan deader than $hit!
The Items
Marching Powder: Restores 50 HP!
Hero's Crank: Restores ALL HP! Whoop whoop!
Box o' Bullets: Reloads your ammo to the max!
Blood Ball: Use this to damage an enemy with 200 magical damage.
Death Card: Will kill any minor enemy!
Canned Stew: This will hit an enemy HARD! Great for bosses.
Crazy Barrel: A weapon with 20 attack power.
Wooden Box: A weapon with 30 attack power.
Car Tire: A weapon with 40 attack power.
Pot Plant: A weapon with 50 attack power.
Leather Vest: Does nothing.
Black Jacket: Raises your guard by 5.
Armored Coat: Raises your guard by 10.
Cowboy Hat: Does nothing.
Trucker Hat: Raises your guard by 5.
Black Felt: Raises your guard by 10.
Goblin Charm: Protects against creature attacks.
Holy Amulet: Protects against undead attacks.
Voodoo Doll: Protects against magical attacks.
Holy Cross: Protects agains human attacks.
Monster Bible: Use this at camp to read up on ememies!
The rest of the items Grissan finds are enemy spoils that you can sell for cash! I'm lazy so I'm ending the list here. Sorry ya'll!
The Game
Okay! This first level is easy and should be a cakewalk! After a very well and thought out cutscene you will be invited to your first battle! Three dead arms will come at you and attack! However, they are so weak that you can attack them by throwing $hit to save up on your ammo! They may drop marching mowders and human fingers! Yay.
After every fight Grissan's health automatically refills, so don't worry about healing. So after you must fight again! This time agains two dead arms and a dead alive! Shoot the dead alive for a one hit kill and proceed. Note: if the dead alive is the last monster standing he may lose turns for being confused. You may get a zombie foot for your troubles!
Next is your first boss fight, the big bastard crab! Very easy if you do it right! Shoot him seven times and he will be declaired dead! After the fourth shot he'll eat your ammo, so just reload with a Box 'o Bullets and you should be fine. You may have to heal once. You will earn a crab brain for your troubles! Alright! You beat the first area!
Each time you beat a level you get a chance to save your game and read about monsters at a campsite. You can also hunt monsters to gain some items (you may not even have to do this). The first camp fight is a dead arm and a dead alive. The second camp fight is two dead arms.
First thing that happens is you are greeted by Travis. If you buy from him you'll be able to sell your spoils, buy items, some armor and a new weapon! If you leave him in peace you will trip over a box and find three marching powders. If you punch him in the face you'll be forced to fight two sand traps! They drop scorpion fluids and are easier to kill with your gun. The choice is yours!
After all that noise you get a second battle in your face! Two dead arms and a sand trap. Kill 'em fast and continue on!
Now you meet Whiskers and he wants you to kill his mutated cow. Ask for money and he will leave you alone. Tell him to fu-k off and his screaming will summon three sabre hairs who are weak against normal attack. They will drop sabre tooths. Offer to help and Whiskers will hand you the mini gun! Then you'll fight the next boss, Fillet Minion. With three shots from the mini gun this cow will turn into hamburger! Keep in mind that you may get poisoned but you shouldn't have any real problems with this fight. The poor thing will drop a cow pie for your efforts!
So whatever you decided (you get the chaingun later if you missed out on the boss fight) the sun goes down and you have one more fight before the level is over. Two sand traps and a sabre hair. Oh no! How will you ever win?! Don't worry, you will!
The Conclusion
That should be more than enough information to get a new player started! Overall, this game is simple and shouldn't take more than an hour to beat! I hope this guide was sorta useful or if it was just simpky a good read; I plan on making more walkthroughs when I get the time! Later.