We are now on Kickstarter, if you like the game please support us, every little helps make this game reality.
We are now on Greenlight!
If you find the game interesting, please drop us a Vote.
Welcome to Border, my dream.
I have a dream world and story i have spent almost 8 years now on developing.
Its a world of decay, of passing and ruled by the irreversible nature of time and one`s actions.
Its a world of extinct Gods, nature twisted, and humanity at its most efficient systematic cruelty.
While I could talk days upon day about the lore (and I will)
I rather just present the demo i made for the game, it represents the tone of the game perfectly.
Border is Manapunk, imagine Steampunk but the world is not centered around steam, but Mana, and magic, if you think that's interesting you might like the Lore of this world.
The gameplay is lead by Logic, and I mean this!
What we don`t have, and never will!
-No nonsense! (the world have its rules and laws and everything works accordingly)
-No hand holding! (no quest makers, no heavy handed directions, etc.)
-No treasure chests. (no treasure chests in forests or places anyone could have gotten them.)
-No fetch quests. (no kill x amount, get x amount, take this there.)
-No nonsensical puzzles in dungeons. (no complex block pushing or pulling levers, who resets these anyway?)
-No money on monsters. (why would monsters carry money?)
-No nonsensical loot. (potions they never use? weapons they never use? plus where do they keep them?)
-No childish sexism! (no weak, damsels in distress, overly sexualised female characters.)
-No R.O.U.S. (rodents of unusual size, no rats, slimes, etc.)
-No cheap bosses. (no bosses with 20 times the maximum hp parameter.)
-No heals/revives (someone is wounded in battle or knocked out? too bad.)
-No silly weapons (no whips, boomerangs, toys, etc)
-No elementals! (no fire,earth,water, holy, dark etc)
-No binary choices (no black and white morality with colour coded choices.)
-No stereotypical villains. (No emo mommas boys, no "the world is sad so I just destroy it" motives, etc)
-No 4th wall breaking.
-No killing 200.000 humans by the end of the story. (by the end of most rpg games you have committed mass genocide)
What we do have instead!
-A huge living breathing world. (a world with years of work behind it, not just copy paste fiction)
-A battle system designed to simulate real life fights. (centred around guarding, evading, etc)
-Side quests that compliment the story and the characters. (you find these yourself and decide what to do about them.)
-A realistic team relationship system. (don't be shy to express what you really think, one character not liking you might open up something with another.)
-A dark realistic fantasy.
-A new take on races. (dragons, demons, gods all very different with their own motives)
-7.000 pages of comic turned game. (a very long and complex story.)
-A game using a world and story 8 years in the making.
The battle system might seam a little weird at first and that's OK, i will create a manual file soon enough, but there will never be an ingame tutorial.
I will try to gain some notoriety to the game, because it is indeed a commercial project, so treat it accordingly, I really need the feedback, be as harsh as it may.
If you like the demo and interested in any way, drop by my blog, or just comment here if more convenient.
Still i hope you enjoy the game, its definitely not for everyone, but that is fine.
Link to Demo:https://www.dropbox.com/s/b4n5znwxgj6wbbh/Border%20Alpha%20DemoV2.exe
(for now its dropbox file size 130MB, includes rtp, but that only about 10Mb so it dose not warrant two versions.)
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