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Sacred Reviews: Her Nightmare - Rage Quit


"Her Nightmare: Rage Quit" is a puzzle platformer developed by Shensetta using Game Maker Studio that is a recreation of "Shensetta: Rage Quit" that the developer took down sometime in 2011 for unspecified reasons. Apparently between taking the previously mentioned game down and posting this one she lost the source code for the original build hence why this is a recreation instead of an updated version of the previous game. At anyway this game definitely lives up to it's name to a certain extent.


This game really doesn't have a story. Your simply dropped into the first level and given a very quick tutorial on moving, jumping, and that world is full of traps as on screen text as you run through the level.

And this is enough to tide you over for a little bit until the game introduces enemies you can kill by shooting a projectile by pressing the s key. Suffice to say the enemies in this game are a major annoyance at times since certain levels require some very careful timing in order to take out or avoid enemies. Though, I'd say the worst one is stage six where you need to carefully drop behind enemies on small platforms in order to shoot them from behind.

A trick where if your too early you'll die by coming into contact with the enemy your trying to kill, but if you too late you'll fail to kill the target and need to jump back to the previous platform in order to reset. Suffice to say this trick is one of the more time consuming tricks in the game. There are a few other tricks to keep in mind if you want to stay alive, but I don't want to give away to much valuable information for beating this game since the whole point is that this a platform game that kills you if you don't remember where all of the booby traps are. So if I give away too many details it will make the game less frustrating for anyone else that plays it.

Albeit the amount of times you die in this game doesn't appear to effect the score that much since my final score when I beat this game after dying 76 times was 10,395 points while my speed run where I died 20 times was worth 10,692 points. And at least some of those points were for picking up an extra coin and killing a few more creatures. Which makes me wonder how time is calculated in this game if it's such a major factor in the score. Albeit these scores are kind of pointless since the game doesn't have a high score table. So you have to keep your own high score table if you actually care about those sorts of things.


Visually the game is rather simple with the various stages being largely a primary color and white and these choice of primary color also impacts the color of your character's outfit as well as the color scheme of the creatures.

As such levels in this game tend to look red, blue, green, or in one case hot pink. While I'll admit this does work for this game since it's rather short with my first run taking 17 minutes and some change to complete. So I suspect the average run is probably around 15 to 20 minutes so this lack of color variety manages to stay charming in a simple way instead of disappointing. Though, I'll admit the main character having blue and green blushing cheeks is a bit weird when you stop to think about it.


On the sound side of things the game is rather forgettable in my opinion, but as I've mentioned before I only tend to remember the background music when it gets stuck in my head. On the plus side I don't have any complaints about the music either it's simply average in my opinion.


"Her Nightmare: Rage Quit" isn't as frustrating as the name implies in my opinion since most of the stages are rather short. So the amount of stuff you need to remember in order to avoid death isn't that great, but I imagine if this game had longer levels or a lot more trap types this game would be a rather hellish experience. After all, the developer could force the player to rapidly advance with a slowly approaching spike wall or set a timer for each of the stages or extend them out so you'll have to remember way more stuff in order to clear them. As it stands the game is on the easier side of things in my opinion as far as a memorization game that is meant to kill you dozens of times over and that's where I like it. After all, if this game was super hard I imagine it really would live up to it's name and no one would beat it.