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Let's Play: Spirit Blade - Parts 1, 2, & 3

Notes: It might be worthwhile to either weaken Platinatrix during the player's first encounter or increase the random encounter rate on the bridge leading up to her. During my first battle with her I was still level 1 so her hardest hitting attack did 70 points of damage to my character that only had a 100 HP.

Notes: The forest needs a bit more variety in terms of enemies. As an example, I encountered 105 hornets before I came across my first pair of spiders. Another issue that might need to be addressed is making it a bit more obvious where to go if your searching for Goldi since she was the last thing I found in the forest. And it might be worthwhile to tone down the encounter rate as well since I encountered a total 261 hornets during this episode. And, if your curious I also encountered 10 Spiders, 1 Man Eaterling, and 1 Man Eater.

Notes: I have to admit that the poor mapping is starting to get to me in this game. Most of the areas the player encounters only seem to contain a few tiles and their layout makes most of the areas feel rather weird or unnatural.