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Skill Tree
  • harmonic
  • Added: 05/08/2008 11:13 PM
  • Last updated: 12/29/2024 10:11 AM


Pages: 1
This screenshot is very intimidating...
Huh? I don't recall this skill tree anywhere in-game. It looks like Tyranos's, except for the section in White Magic that's directly above Heal. (And where the line next to Cure leads to) Is this an old screenshot? And you forgot the stat boots at the bottom. :p Don't blame you, though; the skill tress are massive and they're insignificant anyway.
And actually, it seems intimidating at first, but you get used to it. :) It actually gets quite simple when you begin to think about it.
Yeah, I don't get this at first glance at all.
It is really easy to use.
However the one in LoD 2 is more user friendly than this,
Pages: 1