Tau is the result of Project Tau, a cyborg-soldier creation program of Terra Nova. Instead of an organic brain, Tau possesses a portion of the Master Server, stolen from Qoppa. According to his creators, he is the perfect solider: engineered for power and speed, with a sharp and calculating intelligence from the Master Server. Tau initially does not see the reason behind the struggles of Terra Nova, though he changes as he receives information from the Master Server in his brain about Voltaic, a co-founder of Terra Nova. Tau is obsessed with the other cyborgs before him, Omicron and Rho.
Chief is a co-founder of Terra Nova, initially a member of the Qoppa Directors Board. He split with Qoppa after supporting the plight of the researcher who uncovered the forbidden discovery. He is devoted to the Terra Nova cause. Though slightly distant from Tau, he is forced to rely on him to fight the battles of Terra Nova.
Voltaic founded Terra Nova with Chief. Initially, Voltaic direct a lab on Nyx, but the resistance movement there fell years ago to Qoppa. His wife Kayana was taken prisoner, and is still held on Nyx. Voltaic died before the time of Tau. His fate remain a mystery to Tau, though their fates seem inextricably linked...
Bruno is a Terra Nova scientist on Corinth, the primary developer of Tau. He is slightly conceited, but very proud of Tau. He considers Tau a machine only, but also his magnum opus. He takes a genial attitude towards his welfare and shows off to the other scientists.
Another Corinth-based Terra Nova researcher, Eliza is a psychologist on Project Tau. She shes Tau as a human, not a machine. She is the most compassionate towards Tau and the most attentive to his wellbeing, not just as a soldier. She has an antagonistic relationship with Bruno, who is technically her superior.
Omicron and Rho
Omicron was a beta version of Tau. It used to have Tau's job, but is apparently dead. No one on Corinth speaks of him, though Tau is fascinated by the machine's fate and seeks to discover what killed his predecessor. The cyborg Rho, an earlier beta, seems to have served the same purpose, but also is mysteriously absent.
Tau is the result of Project Tau, a cyborg-soldier creation program of Terra Nova. Instead of an organic brain, Tau possesses a portion of the Master Server, stolen from Qoppa. According to his creators, he is the perfect solider: engineered for power and speed, with a sharp and calculating intelligence from the Master Server. Tau initially does not see the reason behind the struggles of Terra Nova, though he changes as he receives information from the Master Server in his brain about Voltaic, a co-founder of Terra Nova. Tau is obsessed with the other cyborgs before him, Omicron and Rho.
Chief is a co-founder of Terra Nova, initially a member of the Qoppa Directors Board. He split with Qoppa after supporting the plight of the researcher who uncovered the forbidden discovery. He is devoted to the Terra Nova cause. Though slightly distant from Tau, he is forced to rely on him to fight the battles of Terra Nova.
Voltaic founded Terra Nova with Chief. Initially, Voltaic direct a lab on Nyx, but the resistance movement there fell years ago to Qoppa. His wife Kayana was taken prisoner, and is still held on Nyx. Voltaic died before the time of Tau. His fate remain a mystery to Tau, though their fates seem inextricably linked...
Bruno is a Terra Nova scientist on Corinth, the primary developer of Tau. He is slightly conceited, but very proud of Tau. He considers Tau a machine only, but also his magnum opus. He takes a genial attitude towards his welfare and shows off to the other scientists.
Another Corinth-based Terra Nova researcher, Eliza is a psychologist on Project Tau. She shes Tau as a human, not a machine. She is the most compassionate towards Tau and the most attentive to his wellbeing, not just as a soldier. She has an antagonistic relationship with Bruno, who is technically her superior.
Omicron and Rho
Omicron was a beta version of Tau. It used to have Tau's job, but is apparently dead. No one on Corinth speaks of him, though Tau is fascinated by the machine's fate and seeks to discover what killed his predecessor. The cyborg Rho, an earlier beta, seems to have served the same purpose, but also is mysteriously absent.