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Version 1.1.3 released.

  • sura_tc
  • 08/21/2017 10:13 PM
Patch note version 1.1.3 (Some seem to have issues downloading from this website. In such a case, click here instead.)
Updated postgame walkthrough has been posted on the website. Of course, it is not complete. It will be updated as more postgame content is released.

  • I’ve updated the game’s quest script. In doing so, it created a small issue. On existing saves, existing quest steps are erased. Quests themselves work fine. It’s just that quest step records are gone. I needed to update the script in order to fix text wrapping issue.

  • World map has been customized. It is my own RTP edit. It took me a while to find the right balance.

  • The starting village, Loche, has been redesigned. It is using the same layout as the one from Bhavacakra Adventures.

  • Postgame has some contents now. Two postgame quests have been added which should add an hour of game content.

  • Bug fixes and spelling/grammar corrections. These are gradual progress.