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Version 1.1.5 released.

  • sura_tc
  • 08/28/2017 01:03 PM
Patch note version 1.1.5
[Alternative download link]

  • Game resolution has seen a slight increase due to text being cut at the end. It went from 1050 x 650 to 1100 x 650. Most of CG were not re-rendered to fit. Instead, they will stretch to fit.

  • If you have played the game, you may have wondered what was up with a quest called “Forbidden story” since it doesn’t seem to do anything other than occupying a spot in quest log. Well, the quest will progress once you go past postgame Ezona dungeon level 4 with a cutscene. This quest was meant to progress in postgame.

  • Postgame Ezona cave is now available up to level 5… How far will I go, I wonder. If you’ve completed plot 2 of the game, there is a hint on how far I should go.

  • Eton redesign bugged “Those in need” & “Moving to Eton” quests. It’s been fixed.