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I'm impressed! No more, bewitched!! Or even better, betwixed!

ello players!
Today I tried an Rpgmaker 2003 game that was released in 2017, more or less when I started making reviews. For a mistake I believed this was a complete game (the green font on the front page confused me!) instead this is a 15 minutes demo, anyway I decided to write a review, a demo review to be precise.

Now, this game is made by Momeka, also author of a game I liked a lot, DRead the Rabbit, a da me that I reviewed two years ago, and if you lok at the picture you may recognize a similar visual style.

But what's the story of the game? Well there isn't! The adventure begins with our armored humanoid (probably a human from planet Earth) inside what seems a space station populated bu other creatures (Planar Creeps and other less friendly aliens) that speak intellegibles languages. The description of the game says that our armored hero went through a mysterious door and entered an unknown location...

We're not alone here... but these people aren't exactly very eloquent! At least they're not hostile like some other creatures here!

Now, what happens here? Well Betwix is a puzzle adventure with no battles and no dialogues, but the fun of the game is discovering where you have to go and what you are supposed to do. In few words it's a game of exploration and problem-solving. For example if you find a locked door that needs a power sources to be opened, just try another way to see if there is a puzzle that helps you open it. Easy and simple!

Anyway there are also harmful things in this strange location, from the spiky traps (lots of them, some fixed, other moving) to the fat green alien and its sonic attack. You've three hitpoints and there is no way to heal and restore them so pay attention or it's game over! Anyway the game is pretty short, so I'm not going to descrive the puzzles and tell what you have to do in a 15 minutes demo, play and see, but rest assured that it has an end.

Now the graphics... that are gorgeous! Colorful, full of details and all custom made! Esxcellent, but if you saw the screenshots of the other games made by this developer this is not a surprise at all! It doesn't even look like an rm2k3 game thanks to the cool characters, environments, minimalist but nice interface... it's very cool from this point of view, and rest assured that besides the well made sprites, they're also professionally animated. Concerning sounds and music I found it to be discreet and weird but appropriate to an atmosphere about the mystery and the unknown. The audio fits the game perfectly, trust me.

What's happening here? Well you see that little one-eyed orange guy? He's under our control now!

Final Verdict
Betwixt is a really cool rpgmaker2003 game that does not even look like a game made with that engine! I cannot give a rating since it's a very short demo, but I hope that's still in the works since this demo is so promising that I'd award at least a 4/5 for a cool puzzle game adventure with such cute and colorful custom graphics. There's not a lot to play and see, but just look at the pics, and if you're like me you will be curious and will try it immediately especially if you like exploration puzzle games. Really well done under every aspect... but next time I'm gonna review one of the complete games of this developer!