
In honor of’s fourth birthday, and to celebrate our awesome users which have helped keep the site going, we are going to have an official site contest on June 3rd, 2011*.

The contest will take the form of a 4-hour game making event in which users will have four consecutive hours to make a game and submit it to be judged. To make the contest more accessible to everyone the game can be created during any block of four hours on June 3rd as long as it gets submitted by the deadline. Yes, this means we will be using the honor system – please don’t take the internets too seriously. There will be a theme for the contest that will be revealed at midnight on June 2nd, 2011.

All contestants will receive achievements and the winner will receive a monetary prize ($25). Losers will receive a complimentary t-shirt** and the sudden realization that they are forever alone on a Friday night. We may see what else we can scrounge up for participants.

- no restrictions on engine or graphics
- the 24 hour period will be for June 3rd central time zone
- the event period has now been switched to 4-hours per kentona's suggestion.
- people shouldn't back out because they can't make an "epic" or "worthwhile" game in the 4-hours. Most attempts are either end up being humorous or have some other gimmick. Develop them further after the deadline if you like.

We are having a 4-hour game making contest on June 3rd with a CASH MONEY prize.

* Yes, we realize officially launched on June 2nd, 2007, but we felt that having this on a weekend night may make the contest more accessible.
** Not really.

Click to reveal the theme

"Sequels that should never be made, but that we will make anyways."

REMEMBER - once you know the theme, you have 4 hours to complete your entry! Don't forget to mention that your submission is for the 4-hour contest to help it move quickly through the submission queue!

So we're like three weeks late and for that I apologize. I played many (but not all) the games during the initial weekend period but didn't communicate very well. I also have some very different ideas on how to handle similar events in the future, and some suggestions on some more serious events we will try. However, there were a decent number of responses and some of the games were actually playable!

So without further ado, the winner is...


Fire Emblem 6 - TILoRtQatQfP

That makes Dyhalto the winner of a $25 prize. Contact me via PM to arrange payment and/or to select a charity of your choice to receive the funds.

I'll be honest, the game had a couple of things going for it from the start, like the fact that it was crafted with the Sim RPG Maker 95 engine, of which I love. I was the author of the original English translation patches and spent a lot of time testing the engine back in golden days of the internet. It was a unappreciated maker, but one that had a lot of good ideas that would be picked up in later incarnations of the RPG Maker series. It's definitely aged better than its RPG Maker 95 counterpart.

I am also a big fan of strategy/tactical RPGs though I have never played a Fire Emblem game before. The game was an unbalanced mess but was still pretty fun to play. Some of the units were dramatically overpowered and some were practically worthless. The dialogue was intentionally nonsensical. However, it was pretty cool how new units kept appearing during battle – more than once I found myself redirecting units to prevent surprise flanks.

Fire Emblem 6 - TILoRtQatQfP was ranked the top birthday game by two of the three judges, and was ranked number two by the other.

Runner-up was the RPG Maker 2003 game Sinfonia by Max McGee. It was pretty cool to have an actual attempt at a proper game in a contest obviously designed for blatant use of comedy and tropes.

I'll let the other judges chime in with their thoughts on the games if they are interested.




You must be logged in to sign up for RMN 4th birthday 4-hour.


I'm a dog pirate
The participant order confuses me!
It's sorted by user ID #
went ahead and signed up although tomorrow is busy for me so who knows whether this will work out. hoping i can get something made though!
Yeah I'm gonna do it sometime tomorrow rather than at 12 tonight. Too tired and I've been sitting in this uncomfortable chair for too long already.
Okay. My timezone conversion is confuzzling me. Can somebody tell me how many hours until the theme is released (assuming it's released at midnight server time)?
It's currently 9:51 PM central time zone. So in roughly 2 hours, the theme should be released.
And the theme is out, albeit a little early.
"Sequels that should never be made, but that we will make anyways."

edit : nvm. Dumb question.

Thanks for posting it so we all know it before we planned on working on it. You'll still definitely get mine much later than 4 hours from now since I still have to add a few more deeply required features to my engine before I can begin design and whatnot.

Who knows, perhaps I may shoot a 4 hour "Let's make" if my hard drive can even hold a raw that long.

While I was able to start shooting some weird video with everything set correctly, there's just no way I can knock this out in 4 hours in my boiler room of a.. room. I've got no caffeine left, no ice, and it's too stuffy in here. Plus my engine won't start for blank projects on my desktop for some reason.

To demand though, I will consider shooting narrated tutorials (even though my voice is all masked and creepy sounding).
*click to edit*
Ugh... I can't say I'm thrilled about the event's theme. I hate being forced to base my work on an existing creation of someone else's... This was the primary reason I skipped the previous event (create a game adaptation of a horror movie of your choice... yawn), and I'm having trouble finding a game or whatever that I'd like to make a 4-hour sequel to. I'd rather work on something original. I hope this doesn't become a trend and future events will not force the participants to create derivative work.
Working on something. Hopefully I won't regret it.
If you want to check out my game its on my web site I made it based off a movie I AM legend it turned out pretty good Click Here...
I'm almost done. It was quicker than I thought! Which is good, cause I gotta eat.

Question: do we need to make a gameprofile for it? Or can we just post a download?
I cant seem to submit my game its still pending in my manage games section. how long does it normally take?
I noticed a submit button on the top right corner. But all my games are still pending.
My name isn't on the list

(I might drop out though, the theme is kinda.....meh)
Making games in such short time is hard. Good thing it was 4 and not 3 hours though
*click to edit*
Goddamn it, I'm out. I have absolutely no desire to make a fangame.
Well, my first idea was to make a sequel to one of my own games, or maybe someone else's RM game.

But then I decided to make a crossover:

Pokémon Center: Dungeoneer

Development blog
06:48 - Checked the theme
06:50 - Pokémon Brothel?
06:52 - Download from charas project
06:53 - rethink
06:55 - Space Funeral?
07:08 - Pokemon center: Dungeoneer
07:15 - graphics
08:45 - Coding damage
09:07 - Endings and bugs
09:36 - Title screen and intro
09:51 - Finishing touches
09:56 - RTP independent
10:01 - More finishing touches and testing
10:22 - I'm done!

10:31 now

Now I gotta brush my teeth and eat.