
What is this?
This is a game making event where we partner up in order to create two games per partner!

TWO games?! Are you mad?!
I don't think so? Oh, wait, that was a rhetorical question, right?

Anyway, it's a pretty simple premise. You start a game and work on it for one week. At the end of that week all the games are pooled and then distributed semi-randomly to each other. Then everyone finishes the games they are given over the next week.

Basically, a big swaparoo~

  • Sign up below. Make sure that you're dedicated for the whole two weeks/both parts of the event.

  • Games must be new and made only for this event.

  • You may use any RM engine. Sorry, while it is a neat idea in theory to use any engine, most people who sign up might not have experience in those engines, limiting the ability to finish the games.

  • If you only have access to a particular RM engine, please note that in the comment section so that I know to account for that when distributing the first half of the games.

  • Also, make sure to include an RTP stand-alone version of the game (and include resources) when passing it over so that your partner is not looking for different files to make it work.

  • When it comes time to submit, for the first half of the game upload the WIP to the event locker (accessed by Submit in the top corner).

  • First halves of games must be in by the time shown under the Details section after you add your time offset in the settings of your account. The Date End reflects this and will be changed when the second halves are handed out.

  • The second halves will be submitable by game page ONLY. Make a game page for your game whenever you like, just remember to update the information when the second creator comes into play.

  • To keep time realistic, aim for each half to have a half-hour of play at the most. This will make an hour-long game, which is pretty decent for 2 weeks. You can go over this amount, but remember that the longer the game, the less chance there is to finish it.

  • In the spirit of the event, don't be a back-seat driver to the second creators. They can take the game where they like - that's half the fun of the event. In fact, let's just say that you keep your fingers out of the game pie after it gets handed over. Make it something of a surprise, eh?

As always, there's badges to consider~
Started in the Middle with You - 30MS - Received at the end of the event for those who started a game and had it completed.
Ended in the Middle with You - 30MS - Received at the end of the event for those who finished a game.
Meshing the Middle with You - 20MS - Given to the game that feels like a concerted effort to create a whole piece.
Mashed in the Middle with You - 20MS - Given to the game that is a mess of mashing together the elements.
Beyond the Middle, it's True - 50MS - Given to the overall best game of the lot, as judged by our panel of select cherry-pickers.

Clown/Joker signs by Brian Edwards


You must be logged in to sign up for Swap in the Middle with You~.


I have no idea who has mine.

The only hints I have for this community are that: the first half I received has an interesting plot to it, as well as interesting gameplay. It's quite out of the ordinary.

Not gonna say what the gameplay involves, but it's something that doesn't fit with the character normally, but it makes it more interesting.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
So the gameplay doesn't fit the character? As in there's one character? Then I suppose it's not my game. That's a very vague hint though. Why do you torture us so? XD
You're magical to me.
"Doesn't fit the character normally" could also imply that it's a known character who is using different gameplay, or am I reaching with that? XD
I am sorry to tell you this but...
Aliens in court battle...I just can't resist it.

@Jereon and Unity: Let me be a bit clearer this time: The character has a weapon that really doesn't fit with the character. The character is a knight. The weapon isn't a sword.

With this, I'm guessing you can easily figure out who's game I have.
You're magical to me.
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Yep. I know exactly what game you got, Zephire!

Here's my hints: I got an Ace RTP project with MV battlers. Remember to add overlays.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Alright, 6 people left. We're whittling it down.
Knights used other weapons instead of just swords - lances, maces, morning stars, spears... all viable weaponry for a knight. ^.^
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Shotguns though? XD
Shotgun knight would actually be pretty cool.

I forgot to add that depending on the kind of knight (rank) there might also be bows involved (and crossbows), so a shotgun isn't too far off... and is hella cool to boot.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Okay. Current list of suspects:


I'm pretty sure one of these people dropped out, though.
I'm not sure who got my game still.

Mine's was completely made with Ace RTP, with the exception for some XP music tracks included in certain spots.

Since I'm now on Spring Break, I have more time to work on my entry! Yay!
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Question: my swap partner ticked the Draw Game Title box on the database to write out the game's title on an RTP background. If I take the title image already used and just type the name myself in an easier to read font, would that be considered messing with the other person's half too much? I added to the title, so it's difficult to read as it is.

EDIT: Okay, now you lost me, Zephire. I didn't use XP tracks in my project. Guess you didn't get my project after all?
@Red_Nova: Umm, I meant my half I did for the first half (I used XP tracks in my game's first half, not in the second half I'm doing for your game.)

Sorry for the mix-up there! -_-;
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Ah, now I get it. I misread what you meant by, "mine."

Nova gained +1 reading comprehension.
Okay. Current list of suspects:


I'm pretty sure one of these people dropped out, though.

You sure about that? The first game I had mentioned, several pages ago, has since been swapped out for someone else, due to problems with my installation of that particular engine.

So you never know. It could be me.
who could forget dear ratboy
Okay. Current list of suspects:


I'm pretty sure one of these people dropped out, though.

I dropped out on the second half. My first half is still in circulation though.

Figuring out if it's me should be simple, since I posted a shot of the graphics I made earlier in this thread.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Wait, Gredge, when did you swap, and with whom?

So I guess that means GRS now has your game, Pizza?
Gredge, if that's the case, do you know who you swapped with?

I do. However, once I mention that person's name, you'll download their game to check which engine they used, and then use it to deduce whether or not there's a chance I have your game.

So I'd rather not say. Mwahahaha...