
@ KingArthur What is that patch of grey that one tree(in the bottom right) is on? It looks odd to me. Other than that, I wager it is beautiful as well.
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ De-facto operator of the unofficial RMN IRC channel.
Going to assume you meant bottom right. To be honest I don't know what that is myself, I assume it's exposed bedrock or something.

While I'm here, anyone remember that map I made for the Christmas event last year? Here it is remapped in VXA as a proof-of-concept:

As the FPS shows, the 50 or so events I used to map the trees were quite painful.
Going to assume you meant bottom right.

Holy crap I'm tired.

Good job, by the way.
Doing a quick mini game for myself to get a better understanding of how to use numbers with pictures and Lifebars... Before i go into Heavy CMS/CBS/ABS systems sigh..
(I Fixed the looks)
Let's Play Hellion part 2 is what I am mainly working on, but I created some sprites for a game on ACE to see what I can do... I love the inbuilt scrolling text function XD
Currently trying to rip the flare star animation from FF6. It is not a fun experience.
Currently trying to rip the flare star animation from FF6. It is not a fun experience.

Use the Fraps screenshot screen capture option, after removing the other layers from the emulator's screen. It will save you time. (Speaking from experience)
well now that I have a full grasp of how to display numbers on screen, and HP bars, i'm going all out on this on my game.

Just wish there was a way to put the ones tens hundreds and thousands as a template like a function in C++ instead of redoing the whole Number splitting thing, well pass by reference or pointers... >.<
if i had an allowance, i would give it to rmn
@ echo off
color 0d
Title Stormanian Tales ~ By Adon237
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo ~~~Stormanian Tales~~~ © 2012, Storm Scott
set /p name=Enter your name:
if exist SRPGG%name%SAV.dll set load=1
goto new

set hp=100
set exp=0
set exptill=50
set gold=50
set lvl=1
set power=4
set powergain=3
set weappower=2
set mgcpower=1
set defense=1
set weapprice=120
set pots=1
set amulets=0
set mp=4
set spellpower=0
if defined load goto load
goto home

for /f %%a in (SRPGG%name%SAV.dll) do set %%a
set /a temp2=(%hp% + %mp% * %lvl% + %exp% * %exptill% + %weapprice% + %mgcpower% + %spellpower% + %power% * %weappower%) / (%amulets% + %gold% + %pots% *=
if not %temp1% equ %temp2% set temp3=1
goto home
:: Basic Functions
echo You are incapacitated!
echo The God of Death grants you a restart at life, but it shall cost EXP.
set /a exp=%exp% - (%exp% * 65 / 100)
echo You are alive! You have 1 HP.
set hp=1
pause >nul
echo You are being teleported to your home.
goto home
echo You successfuly ran away...
pause >nul
goto home
:: Selecting Spells
echo Choose a spell to cast.
pause >nul
if %lvl% equ 1 goto 1spell
::Level 1 Spell List
echo 1 Fire Ball
set input=1
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto :fireball
if %battletype% equ 1 goto fightgoblin
echo Congratulations, you leveled up!
pause >nul
set /a lvl=%lvl% + 1
set /a exp=%exp% - %exptill%
set /a exptill=%exptill% + %exptill% * 66 / 100
set /a power=%power% + %powergain%
set /a powergain=%powergain% + 1
set hp=100
goto save

::SPELL PROGRAMMING#########################################################################
::Spell: Fireball
set spellpower=35
if %battletype% equ 1 goto fireballgoblin1
echo You conjure a fireball at the foe!
pause >nul
set /a en1hp=%en1hp% - (%spellpower% + %mgcpower%)
if %en1hp% leq 0 goto killedgoblin
set /a hp=%hp% - 4
if %hp% leq 0 goto death
goto fightgoblin

:: # HOME ################################################################################

set location=Hometown
set en1hp=40
set en2hp=80
set en3hp=160
if %exp% geq %exptill% goto levelup
if "%temp3%" equ "1" echo You are Cheater...
echo Level %lvl% Expierence %exp%/%exptill%
echo Health %hp%/100 Gold %gold% Potions %pots%
echo Amulets %amulets%/5 You are currently at: %location%
echo Where you want to go?
echo 1 Outside the willage
echo 2 Shop
echo 3 Healer
echo 4 SaveHause
echo 0 Exit
set input=5
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto out
if %input% equ 2 goto shop
if %input% equ 3 goto healer
if %input% equ 4 goto save
if %input% equ 0 goto exit
goto home

:: # ENEMY 1 ##########################################################################

set en1hp=40
echo You were attacked by goblin!
pause >nul
goto fightgoblin

set battletype=1
echo You have %hp% health
echo Goblin has %en1hp%
echo 1 Attack
echo 2 Drink potion
echo 3 Run away
echo 4 Cast Spell
set input=5
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto attackgoblin
if %input% equ 2 goto drinkpotgoblin
if %input% equ 3 goto runaway
if %input% equ 4 goto selectspell
goto fightgoblin

set /a en1hp=%en1hp% - (%power% + %weappower%)
if %en1hp% leq 0 goto killedgoblin
set /a hp=%hp% - 4
if %hp% leq 0 goto death
goto fightgoblin

if %pots% lss 1 (
echo You don't have any potions...
pause >nul
goto fightgoblin
set /a hp=%hp% + 50
set /a pots=%pots% - 1
goto fightgoblin

echo You killed goblin!
echo you gained 7 exp and 6 gold
set /a exp=%exp% + 7
set /a gold=%gold% + 6
pause >nul
goto out2

:: # Enemy 2 #############################################################################

echo 1 Go further?
echo 2 Wait here?
echo 3 Go home?
set input=5
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto out3
if %input% equ 2 goto out
if %input% equ 3 goto home
goto out2

set en2hp=80
echo You have been attacked by Skeleton!
pause >nul
goto fightskeleton

echo You have %hp% health
echo Skeleton has %en2hp%
echo 1 Attack
echo 2 Drink potion
echo 3 Run away
set input=5
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto attackskeleton
if %input% equ 2 goto drinkpotskeleton
if %input% equ 3 goto runaway
goto fightskeleton

set /a en2hp=%en2hp% - (%power% + %weappower%)
if %en2hp% leq 0 goto killedskeleton
set /a hp=%hp% - 11
if %hp% leq 0 goto death
goto fightskeleton

if %pots% lss 1 (
echo You don't have any potions...
pause >nul
goto fightskeleton
set /a hp=%hp% + 50
set /a pots=%pots% - 1
goto fightskeleton

echo You killed skeleton!
echo you gained 23 exp and 28 gold
set /a exp=%exp% + 23
set /a gold=%gold% + 28
pause >nul
goto out4

:: # ENEMY 3 ##########################################################################

echo 1 Go further?
echo 2 Wait here?
echo 3 Go back?
set input=5
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto out5
if %input% equ 2 goto out3
if %input% equ 3 goto out
goto out4

set en3hp=160
echo You have been attacked by Zombie!
pause >nul
goto fightzombie

echo You have %hp% health
echo Zombie has %en3hp% health
echo 1 Attack
echo 2 Drink potion
echo 3 Run away
set input=5
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto attackzombie
if %input% equ 2 goto drinkpotzombie
if %input% equ 3 goto runaway
goto fightzombie

set /a en3hp=%en3hp% - (%power% + %weappower%)
if %en3hp% leq 0 goto killedzombie
set /a hp=%hp% - 28
if %hp% leq 0 goto death
goto fightzombie

if %pots% lss 1 (
echo You don't have any potions...
pause >nul
goto fightzombie
set /a hp=%hp% + 50
set /a pots=%pots% - 1
goto fightzombie

echo You killed zombie!
echo you gained 56 exp and 67 gold
set /a exp=%exp% + 56
set /a gold=%gold% + 67
pause >nul
goto out6

echo 1 Go further? (Not created yet)
echo 2 Wait here?
echo 3 Go back?
set input=5
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto out6
if %input% equ 2 goto out5
if %input% equ 3 goto out3
goto out6

:: # Shop ############################################################################

echo You have %gold% gold
echo What you want to do?
echo 1 Upgrade weapon, cost %weapprice% gold, current power %weappower%
echo 2 Buy potion, cost 25 gold, now have %pots% potions
echo 3 Go home
set input=5
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto upgrade
if %input% equ 2 goto buypot
if %input% equ 3 goto home
goto shop

if %gold% lss %weapprice% goto not
set /a gold=%gold% - %weapprice%
set /a weapprice=%weapprice% + 100
set /a weappower=%weappower% + 2
echo Successfuly upgraded...
pause >nul
goto shop

if %gold% lss 25 goto not
set /a pots=%pots% + 1
set /a gold=%gold% - 25
goto shop

echo You don't have enough gold!
pause >nul
goto shop

:: # HEALER ##########################################################################

echo Heal cost 20 gold, you'll be fully healed
echo Are you sure? y-n
set input=n
set /p input=...
if %input% equ y goto healer2
goto home

if %gold% lss 20 goto not2
set hp=100
set /a gold=%gold% - 20
goto home

echo You don't have enough gold!
pause > nul
goto home

:: # SAVE ############################################################################

if "%temp3%" equ "1" (
echo You're cheater, you can't save your game...
pause >nul
goto stats
echo Saving...
set /a temp1=(%hp% * %lvl% + %exp% * %exptill% + %weapprice% + %power% * %weappower%) / (%gold% + %pots% * %powergain%)
(echo hp=%hp%)> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo exp=%exp%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo exptill=%exptill%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo gold=%gold%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo lvl=%lvl%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo power=%power%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo powergain=%powergain%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo weappower=%weappower%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo weapprice=%weapprice%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo pots=%pots%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
(echo temp1=%temp1%)>> SRPGG%name%SAV.dll
echo %name% %lvl%
echo %exp%/%exptill% expierence
echo %hp%/100 health
echo %gold% gold
echo %pots% potions
echo Your power is %power%
echo Your weapon power %weappower%
echo Press any key to go home
pause >nul
goto home

echo Are you sure you want to exit without saving? y-n
set input=n
set /p input=...
if %input% equ y exit
goto home

A start on the Command Prompt based game, Stormanian Tales. I am thinking about making a gameprofile. haha The command prompt "language" isn't hard to learn, and I think I should be done with this in a couple of days.

Fuck, I have 3 projects started now. Stonesearch, Adonland, and Stormanian Tales.
Currently trying to rip the flare star animation from FF6. It is not a fun experience.
Use the Fraps screenshot screen capture option, after removing the other layers from the emulator's screen. It will save you time. (Speaking from experience)

Flare Star's animation relies very heavily on many moving black lines, so....

I've got the rest of it handled, but I'm going to make the rest of the animation myself because it's too difficult to rip it without having access to the raw graphic that is used.
It's funny how once you finish a cut-scene, you think you're done with it for good. But then you change some tiny detail in your game and you have to fiddle with that cut-scene again just to reflect that change. And then you do this with every one of your cut-scenes every time you make another little change, and this goes on and on for years... Serves me right for making up the story as I go. -_-

So yeah, I'm currently going through the Sisyphean task of revamping old cut-scenes and translating them to English...
I'm developing my ABS for F.O.E.V now already took down some ideas now to hammer the graphics out
Working on a the more visual side of my 2k3 game now. Putting alert messages telling the player the objective for that specific part of the game, and also debating whether to have monsters appear on the map, or have them in a traditional encounter system.

I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
Cut scenes! Cut scenes that introduce new characters! This time the main character's daughter is introduced.

I continue to be terrible at writing dialogue. I feel like I am always extremely wordy. I feel the need to explain things that probably don't need explaining. Taking advice!

Someone needs to create battle graphics for the soldiers so they don't... turn into James when the battle starts. Someone who isn't me, ideally. Though it'll probably end up being me.
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
Currently trying to assemble a final dungeon chipset. It's hard to do considering that, as the final dungeon, it should pretty unique in comparison to everything that comes before it.
if squallbutts was a misao category i'd win every damn year
Just set up all of the MC's facesets for my VXAce contest game. Most of the secondary MC's faces are set up too- I haven't touched the damn cat.

stupid cat

anyway, this is from the title image cycle:

(I'm sure there's errors here and feel free to point them out- but this was drawn on one layer and I don't have time to fix this sort of thing).
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
I like how the shaft of the weapon is going through his shoulder. And how paper thin his pinky is.
He's so badass he impales himself.
I really do like it by the way, Krysty!
Edit: And something I'm working on!

Think I should put a grey outline around it? Anything else I should do? I'm trying to make it as simple as possible so I can do it without screwing up and it doesn't clash with the other things I'm going to make.
Also, I'm going to make the background transparent later.
Currently in the earliest stages of developing a dungeon crawler RPG. Deciding what to do as far as class chocies go, and whether classes are decided at game start (As in the first Final Fantasy game), or if they can swapped around later in the game (Maybe a job system or simply different characters). Planning an item creation system, as well as locations and side-quests.