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A Fun Reverse Parallel world! XD

  • Starmage
  • 04/11/2018 09:58 AM
Hello guys! Welcome to my review for Aurora Magica by Failsauce. This game is still in its very early phase demo, so I'll try my best to be as helpful and constructive as I can. ^_^ It's a good game with potential, and with some polishing, will do great. :)

First Impressions: I was actually quite shocked and horrified by the game on the first parts. It takes place in a reverse parallel universe where men are the one being treated like cattle. xD It was quite shocking to see some men being carried around in crates and sold like meat for pro-creation(which is the harsh reality of many women for thousands of years.). It did leave a very memorable and shocking first impression, which is good in its own. xD

Story: There's an emphasis around the story where demi-humans exists, and they're only mostly made of females, which is why they kidnap human males to continue their blood-line. The story then revolves around a young hero who seems to be involved in a harem anime plot-line. I am kinda intrigued by the story, as stories like these are very rarely told, so I'm looking forward for its advancement.

Gameplay: The gameplay is fun and simple. It's your classic Turn-based battle with some cool action sequences and OVERKILL effect being put in, I actually loved those. xD I can see in the screenshots that the game will feature some battle banters, which is great! The battles are touch-based, so it's a great plus. Btw, I think you shouldn't give all three characters the same spell "Spark", it would be cool of they each have their own elemental mastery at least. :)

Graphics: It uses mostly the default MV RTP, but I think they're used quite decently, and the maps are actually quite good. The characters are also using some different and unique color gradients for their generator parts, which is a nice touch. :)

Music: Mostly uses the stock RTP music, but I like them, so it's fine. I do have an issue with the music being used while the village was attacked by the kidnappers of men, it uses an extremely chill and peaceful music for an intense situation, which I found kinda strange. xD


1. Name Overlapping:

It seems to me like you can use her mom's original name at this point, I guess. xD

2. Two doors?

I think using only one door for the exit would do just fine, since when I entered the building, there was only one door.

3. Chickens....

The chickens kinda fly around to different un-passable tiles when I talk to them, which is kinda strange. I guess it is intentional? XD

4. Tile-set issue

There's a tile-set issue here where I can go through this broken pillar.

Overall: I think the game is really good, but I just believe that it needs some more polishing as well as some improvements on the pacing of the story. It is simple and fun, and has a story that is full of potential to become something that challenges the norms. It was a good experience for a demo and I am rooting for the dev to keep working on this to make it even better. :) I'd give it a 3.5/5 if I could. 4/5 if completed, I think, and 5/5 if issues are being addressed as well as story pacing is polished. :)


Pages: 1
Holy wow! A review. Oh, I mean thank you!

I tried to keep a strict limit on how much I put in the demo, so I could get at least *some* quality control on what was released. Some bugs still got through... Every bug that gets pointed out is a bug that can be removed.

The chickens thing is, however, on purpose, as there is a boss chicken that doesn't like the protagonist kicking those innocent chickens! (Boring Math: Boss Chicken Stats = Base Stats + (number of chickens kicked) x (stat adjustment), and Boss Chicken XP = Base Number + (number of chickens kicked) x (XP adjustment).) I should probably do that with the rewarded coin as well, huh?

For great justice, added a new screenshot, the party vs. King Fergus, the Chicken! :)

(edited to change square brackets to parentheses, oops the green behind my ears is showing.)
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