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Sacred Reviews: Bomber Habbit


I'll admit that I remember dedicating hours of my life to trying to beat Bomberman on the original Game Boy back in the day. Of course, my efforts would always end in failure, but I'd still give it another shot. After all, I didn't have anything better to do while I was in the back of my parent's car when we would head out of town in order to go shopping. So in a way this game is a throwback to a bygone era for me. Back in the day when handhelds came in only two colors and were tinted green.


To be honest, "Bomber Habbit" doesn't really have a story, but it really doesn't need one either. After all, at the end of the day were simply here to blow up a few random enemies in the name of piece and justice! After all, are enemies are definitely going to be rendered down to small chunks of flesh after taking a bomb to the face.

But, I will admit it would be nice if the game contained a short text crawl that explained why a raving Rabbid from Rayman was running around and blowing things up.


A simply game where you place bombs and hope your enemies oblige you by walking into them. Of course, you can try to trap them between a rock and a hard place, but this may come at the cost of your life. So, I usually advise trying to anticipate your enemy movements instead of trying to trap them in corner. Especially when you take into consideration that you can't extend the range of your bombs over the course of this game.

Of course, the one big problem with this game in my opinion is that the enemy AI is rather weak. As a result, the enemies tend to wander back and forth a lot with little rhyme or reason. As such, it's pretty easy to deal with most enemies.

Graphics & Sound

The game clearly uses custom graphics. Albeit, they do look a bit on the simple side, but it definitely adds to the games efforts to emulate Bomberman for the Game Boy. So, I really can't hate on them.

As far as the music it goes, it sounds vaguely familiar. So much so that I'm curious if it was lifted from an entry from the Bomberman series. Sadly, I'm not sure where my copy of the Game Boy game has gotten off to at this point. So, I really can't bust it out at the moment and see if the music matches up or not.


At the end of the day, "Bomber Habbit" is a rather simple game that tries to emulate the basics of Bomberman for the Game Boy and does a fairly solid job at doing so. That being said, I'm not sure if I should recommend this game or not. After all, I haven't played a comparable game to this one in years. In fact, I'd even take my rating for this game with a grain of salt because of this.


Pages: 1
Hello thesacredlobo.
Thanks for your review and walkthrough. As a Bomberman fan my intention was first a tribute and secondly a personal challenge when using the rpg maker to make this game.
this game is amazing. very funny. the sequel super bomber habbit is amazing too! thanks for giving us this piece of art!
Pages: 1