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August 2009

  • fredo
  • 08/22/2009 07:50 PM
I know, I know. I'd promised a lot more information coming over the summer and nothing came.

It's not all bad though. I just ended up spending more time on the game itself, revising some systems, fixing some events, rewriting dialogue, and moving forward with the plot. I would estimate that there's a good 6-7 hours of gameplay at the moment, and I have 2-3(depending on how you count) more dungeons until I'm ready for a release.

Speaking of releases, I'm aiming for Christmas, mostly because I'll be really busy this year and not because there's all that much left to do for a 2 chapter release. It'll be roughly 25% of the game. Well, maybe 30-35% of the gameplay, and closer to 15-20% of the plot. The plot moves significantly slower in the beginning. Anyway, I'll try to post some new screenshots in the next couple of days.


Pages: 1
This game looks pretty nifty; I look forward to trying it out.
So are you releasing a demo at Christmas or the whole game? Really looking forward to seeing it come out.
Well, it won't be a "demo". What's getting released will be roughly a fourth of the game, but it will be pretty much final. The plot is setup up in such a way that it sort of takes place over four "arcs". It's a political story, so Arc 1 is how the characters get involved, Arc 2 is about the politics, Arc 3 is about the conflict/war that breaks out, and Arc 4 is the conclusion.

So when I release the first fourth, it'll be done, ready for release, final and not really subject to revision save for bug fixes and suches.
Pages: 1