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Update on Next Lore Blog and Demo Update Announcement

  • LMPGames
  • 12/14/2023 04:18 PM
Yo everyone, I said the next blog would be coming out around now, but there will be a delay. I have had a hard time getting this one going, not because of writers block or because the lore is thin for the United Nations of Gol. I kept on writing out detailed lore for the Minsor Protectorate.

There is a reason for that, events that happen in Minsor directly influence and cause the events that lead to the formation of the UNG, so having some of that context is necessary. The problem was that I was going into too much detail, multiple times, while trying to translate something that made sense.

I have a happy medium now, but I am still only part way done with Part 1 of the blog. I am retargeting the release of the UNG blog to early January unless I get it finished sooner than expected.

I am also working on an update on the demo. Long story short there is that there has been a significant delay and the demo release is being pushed back. Expect that post in Jan 2024 as well.


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Ah, I missed this post. No worries dude; it happens. Work you get paid for comes before the work you do for fun, I don't really mind delays due to stuff like this because it means you're surviving at least. Better than working on the game non-stop and rushing to release it because you need money coming in.
Ah, I missed this post. No worries dude; it happens. Work you get paid for comes before the work you do for fun, I don't really mind delays due to stuff like this because it means you're surviving at least. Better than working on the game non-stop and rushing to release it because you need money coming in.

Thanks for the understanding. Yeah, a lot on my plate at the moment which has be delaying all kinds of stuff unfortunately. But these things are higher priority for me for various reasons both monetary and not.

I should be able to get one of them finished in January so I should have a lot more time soon.
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