I have to ask... As I am going through all your images, I have noticed that everything is just simply... Well... Square. Is there a reason for this? Don't get me wrong, there have been great images and all... But it is very hard to look past the fact that mountains and so forth get to an end and then... well, just end. There's no lift in the edge of the cliffs to show the mountain's or cliffs ending, there's no smooth edges, there isn't anything. Now, I know mountains and hill (etc.) don't just naturally flow perfectly and smoothly... But the last time I looked out my window to the mountains behind me, they also didn't just drop off either. If they did... Crap, I'd be in huge trouble man.
Now again, if this is done because of a reason, it's understandable; but if it's just laziness, sorry... Doesn't work for me.