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Sweet Home: The Second Coming is an innovative take on a "classic" NES Horror game never released in the US. Its name was "Suito Homu."

Featuring: Live Action characters...
Detailed backgrounds...

It's Mortal Kombat all over again. Only more tactical. Choose from 10 teams, each with their own storylines. Sweet Home: The Second Coming will include several different endings depending on who lives and dies.

Nanette Marlowe's mansion has been getting a lot of coverage as of late. Yet, no coverage ever seems to return for review... Nanette's son, Ken, joined by two other motley crewmembers, compete in a local martial arts tournament, the prize being a hefty sum of money. After winning and deciding what to blow it on, they opt to spend a few nights at a ritzy hotel, an optional secondary prize for winning the tournament. Yet they do not realize that they are being set up to be left off at a secluded mansion in the woods. Everyone is immediately kicked out of the cab, and stranded within the woods. The only shelter seems to be inside Nanette's mansion, haunted by none other than herself. Now the party must survive the mansion, whilst discovering what caused Nanette to go insane.

15-minute demo available, 24 glorious megs. Of things.

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Suito Homu: The Second Cooking... Fried


I honestly cannot finish it at this time. It's impossible. It demands the merits of actual filming. Never mind how I can photoshop every single frame. This was planned to be just as movie-like as it is game-like. Both mixes combined into one. But I'm living in a freaking condo with no internet connection, small small small budget... I don't know. You finally live on your own, and this is what happens. Stuff. So, I can't make the decisions around these parts. Just give it a try. Just know it will be finished. Well... eventually. No rush though.


Pages: 1
I loved sweet home.
Being a big fan of Sweet Home...hoo boy...

First, "Suito Homu" is how it's pronounced in Japanese. Y'know, 'cus of the accent and all. And second...good God...not only does the whole thing get Americanized, but a freaking MARTIAL ARTIST?! Seriously?! The whole "real people on NES-then-SNES maps and backgrounds" thing is off-putting, but Whitey McGee: Karate Kommando and is ten magnificent teams? This makes all our ancestors weep.

Pages: 1