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The Looming Spire -- Demo Coming Soon!

  • narcodis
  • 12/14/2022 03:36 AM
Hey y'all! I don't write about this game enough for how much I actually work on it.

I am going to release a short-ish demo soon. Before the end of the year, for sure. The only things I have left on my must-do list are to tune up a boss fight, tweak some enemies, and add a shop. There are also a few bugs to iron out, naturally.

The demo will encompass maybe 1/5 of the final product. Everything is subject to change as needed. I hope you'll look forward to it!


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Wooo! A demo of this has been a looooong time coming.
Is this the exact same game you've been working on since 2010, or has it undergone major changes along the way?
Wooo! A demo of this has been a looooong time coming.
Is this the exact same game you've been working on since 2010, or has it undergone major changes along the way?

Is this the same game from 2010... A great question.

I wanna say, at its core, it's the same game: custom everything, elemental puzzles, on-map combat, massive singular interweaving dungeon game-world. Over the years, layers and layers of refinement and new mechanics/features have been added, not to mention just way way more content. I won't say its unrecognizable, because it definitely is -- the first dungeon's maps are still there, for example -- but there's just a lot more... game to the game now. I think the initial prototype of this game from 2010 had like, 10 maps? We're at around ~350 now and counting. Battle system completely redone three times over now, I think I'm on version 4 or 5 of the custom menu, puzzle mechanics completely redone and added tons of new ideas, have added around 70 monsters, multiple weapons, new spell upgrade mechanics, more items/relics, updated status effects, UI improvements, etc.
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